View Full Version : Health Anxiety... specific or general?

21-03-17, 20:15
Hi guys.

Been lurking for a while and only recently posted about anxiety troubles I'm having.
I've always had slight health anxiety as far back as I can remember but it would usually pass and I'd forget about it for months at a time until something else showed up to worry about.

Lately I've become obsessed with my eyesight to the point I think about it every waking moment.... I even wake up from dreams about my eyesight with worry and fear.

My question is... I worry about nothing else health related other than my vision. Can health anxiety be focused around one specific thing? I see posts here by people who have been members for years and generally worry about all things health related. Mine is simply vision.

I feel like I'm completely losing the will to live am undergoing tests for my symptoms but if they come back clear I'm going to have to attempt to get help from my GP for anxiety. I'm scared to mention it now incase everything I'm being checked out for gets shrugged off as anxiety.
Hope this makes sense.

21-03-17, 20:30
My anxiety is generally focused on one thing. It can move from one thing to another, but it usually specific to one thing at a time.