View Full Version : Health Anxiety anyone? READ THIS!!

21-03-17, 22:23
I'm a 25 year old father of one, i developed an obsession with health conditions around 7 years ago, it all started with my heart, i would feel a skipped beat throughout the day, and i could always feel my heart beating in my chest. I turned to Dr Google for advice, and boy was that a mistake, it sent me onto a path to hell, i lost my friends, my job, my girlfriend, and all my social skills went out the window, i sat at home all day and night playing video games trying to block out my anxiety, i was failing to overcome the anxiety, until 3 years later i decided enough was enough, i started applying for jobs, i landed one, i started back work and started keeping my mind focused on getting my life back on track, i was doing good, i met a girl i moved out of my moms place, things were really looking good, the thought of my heart and anxiety still were in the back of my head, but i kept pushing forward, that is until 2 years ago, i went out to drink a few beers with some friends, i drank too much and vomited, the strenuous vomiting caused my heart to go into atrial fibrillation, i spent 3 days in the hospital, i had was monitored on a EKG, i had a echocardiogram, xhest xray, and alot of blood work, and i was told i have a healthy heart, after leaving the hospital i began to spiral back into anxiety, again o lost my job and girlfriend and i went back to living under a rock, 2 years go by and i vomit again due to food poisoning and once again i was back in afib and on my way to the hospital, and just like the other time i was monitored and my heart was checked and i was told my heart is healthy and that it must just be a electrical problem, and that tjeres no need to treat my condition because it doesn't haooen enough to be concerning. Well that was 6 months ago and of course my anxiety is still working hard to make me miserable, and to make matters worse i found a few palpable lymph nodes on the lower parts of my neck which i worry about day and night as you can see from my previous threads. I'm always checking my body for markings, bruises, different aches and pains, im always examining my veins and lymph nodes, i have really developed a problem and after seeing many doctors i am basically told it's a mental problem that i have and that i have nothing serious wrong with me, but for someone like me a simple cold can be serious, or a mysterious bruise could be a blood clot, i have went as far as shining a light on my stool to check the color and texture, ive examined my mouth front to back for oral cancer. I can rant all day, i uave endless stories, but i wanted to sgare with you in good detail so that you can see for yourself its a problem that not only you have and that you dont have to face this nightmare alone, its a vicious cycle of endless fear and it can really take a toll on ones life and the lives around you, i know alot of people dont go into much detail so its hard to relate to other peoples problems, so i hope you can relate to my story and tale something positive from it. I would love to hear your stories and advice for controlling anxiety, my best advice would be to find a hobby and friends and stay off Google and pay less attention to your body and symptoms, knowing your body and obsessing over it are two totally different things you need to be able to identify symptoms that pose a risk to your health but don't anticipate those symptoms.

21-03-17, 23:32
I empathize with you.

I have only been at this health anxiety thing for about three years. It comes and goes in waves. I jump for disease to disease. I get over the fear of one and then I have another one on deck ready to go.

Only recently have I talked openly about it. I can tell that my wife is getting frustrated, she wants to help, but there is nothing that she can do.

Ive recently started seeing a therapist, which is helping.

Im determined to stay positive and not let fear control me. Im ready to look towards the future hopefully instead of fearfully.

Thanks for sharing your story. Good luck.

21-03-17, 23:40
I have only been at this health anxiety thing for about three years. It comes and goes in waves. I jump for disease to disease. I get over the fear of one and then I have another one on deck ready to go.

This is totally me!
And each time I think, "Well this is the scariest one ever. The next one couldn't possibly be as scary as this."
But then it is. Each one is scarier than the last. :weep:

21-03-17, 23:46
I had a huge fear of colon cancer for a long time. I made an appointment to have a colonoscopy/CT scan. I was so excited because I knew that if I got an all clear I would be free of worry. After an anxious week of waiting for biopsy results I got the all clear. I felt amazing for about a day and then I began worrying about another disease.

Thats when I realized that I had a real anxiety problem.

I have good days and bad days. Therapy has been a life saver, as well as this forum.

22-03-17, 04:27
That sounds terrible. Sorry to hear that you are going through a tough time.

Finding a healthy hobby is definitely a good idea. But in your case I would even suggest getting some help for anxiety. I say this because there is literally zero reason for you to be suffering this way when you can live a healthy and meaningful life

22-03-17, 04:49
Man I could have not written this better! This is my life! I am currently thinking I have a brain tumour or something due to the symptoms described in my thread, but I have had cancer fears, als fears, ms fears, oral cancer fears, lymphoma fears, meningitis fears, all within 6-12 months. I have a real issue, its consuming me, but its a relief to know that there are others going through the same hell as me! Im not alone, and there is hope. Thank you a million for starting this threat and sharing your story!

PD: every time i get over a fear and look back i think to myself: how silly was I! How did I let that ruin my life for so long, but then something else comes along, and it feels so real that i think: this is it! This time is not anxiety! This time is the real deal! And i get into a very steep downward spiral that consumes me for days/weeks/months. I am hoping one day we can all enjoy our lives again, and I wish you all a long, HEALTHY, and prosperous life! God bless!

01-04-17, 01:40
You're welcome, and i totally feel your pain, anxiety can drive a person mad, but for some reason we can't realize that it's just anxiety and that we need to let go. I hope you can find peace in mind soon. I will look through your threads and see if i can offer any advice.

01-04-17, 01:48
Its the worst feeling ever i am waiting on mri results rignt now.... Had an ultrasound done for my gallbladder and they seen some shadows on m'y liver......blood work is all good but i am so scared its the c word and its in my liver. I mean with good blood work i doubt its cancer iam about 80% sure its not. I am 32 my HA started 7 yrs ago when my litttle guy was born with down syndrome....i hate it when doc calls about results i am gonna talk to him about some meds. I thinks its time. Normal blood work is good rigbt? Lol