View Full Version : Light brown patch on face - really scared

21-03-17, 22:34
Hi, I seem to be in a downward spiral at the minute it's the worst I have ever felt with health anxiety I am absolutely petrified. I noticing more a dark patch near my eye would describe it as pigmentation that seems a little scaly and dry. I am in a right state as I now believe myself to have skin cancer. This is on top of the eye, mouth, throat and ear cancer I have diagnosed myself with over the last couple of weeks. I am 35, red head with lots of freckles and have been sunburnt over the years. I'm on the point of hysteria and am so tired of this my eyes are stinging me. I am convincing myself this is it this time. I don't know how much more I can take x

21-03-17, 22:59
I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time just now with h/a, its so exhausting:( I'm sure its probably nothing but it might put your mind at ease if you ask your GP. He would also be able to help you get support for your anxiety. Hope you feel better soon xx

21-03-17, 23:07
Thankfully I am under a good therapist but this episode of health anxiety has come at me with a bang. I feel so scared right now. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Thank you very much for your message x

21-03-17, 23:45
Hi, I seem to be in a downward spiral at the minute it's the worst I have ever felt with health anxiety I am absolutely petrified. I noticing more a dark patch near my eye would describe it as pigmentation that seems a little scaly and dry. I am in a right state as I now believe myself to have skin cancer. This is on top of the eye, mouth, throat and ear cancer I have diagnosed myself with over the last couple of weeks. I am 35, red head with lots of freckles and have been sunburnt over the years. I'm on the point of hysteria and am so tired of this my eyes are stinging me. I am convincing myself this is it this time. I don't know how much more I can take x

My dad has developed several of these as he's gotten older.
Light brown, approximately dime-sized, slightly raised (it seems to me) patches of skin on his face.
Once I asked him about it, but he said he'd already asked the doctor, and it was nothing to be concerned about.
I assumed they were age spots. I first noticed him getting them when he was about 50 (he is mid-60s now).
His do tend to come and go. Sometimes I notice that one is gone, and then he'll get another one on another spot on his face.
He's the type that will get angry with me if I press him for an explanation, so I just have to take his word for it that it's nothing serious.
I tend to worry about the health of my loved ones as much as my own health, but I'm not worried about those brown spots my dad has, because- to be blunt- he's been having them for fifteen years or more, and they never get any worse, and they haven't killed him yet.

Best wishes.

22-03-17, 00:12
Thank you for your wise words, I'm just in a very bad place at the minute and unknowingly scanning my body for anything because I am finding everything. I'm just concerned because of my age. It isn't raised and is only slightly dry and flaky. I'm hoping I calm myself and this feeling of dread goes away x

23-03-17, 21:58
I have a light brown pigmentation patch on my left lower cheek. It's been there for about 15 years now. I'm 39. Sadly, weird things like this happen as we get older. If you are worried, speak to a doc for peace of mind, but it sounds quite normal to me x