View Full Version : Do you own a lion?

22-03-17, 02:23
If you suffer from anxiety, you probably do without realising it. I know, strange isn't it.

Well...as an example.....you could be going to work every day over a long period of time when suddenly you find a lion sitting next to you. His stare is really frightening. You feel at any moment he's going to pounce on you and eat you. You feel breathless and so full of fear you want to run away from him as fast as possible. However, despite your best efforts and racing to get home, there he still is...sitting on the sofa right beside you, still staring at you with his frightening big teeth, still scaring you, still making you feel you want to escape, so you try running to your bedroom but there he is again, sat right beside you.

Day in, day out he follws you everywhere. You get so fed up with him that you decide to go to the doctors and ask the doctor if they can give you some medication to make this frightening lion go away. The doctor duly obliges and after a few days time, that frightening lion is Still sat in front of you staring at you with his frightening gaze...or maybe this time, that frightening gaze doesn't appear so frightening. Ah yes, its those meds. They haven't mae him go away but at least he's not frightening you so much. You find yourself able to cope much better. Your mood is lifted, you feel happier inside, even if that annoying lion is still in he background following you everywhere.

Have you also noticed something else about this lion? Why hasn't he pounced on you and eaten you, even before the doctor gave you the meds? The lion appears to have sharp teeth, long claws and that gaze was oh so frightening...but he didn't eat you, did he. So then why did you want him to go away so much? Ah yes, it was because he appeared so frightening that you just couldn't stand those feelings he was giving you all the time.

So then, the meds eased things by not making you feel so afraid but you would still like your lion to go away and find someone else annoy but how? That takes time. You know he has no bite and he can't harm you otherwise he would have by now but you still see those sharp claws fearing one day he still might.

Therefore, the way to make the lion go away is to remind yourself this lion can't harm you. It just feels that he can through the fear he creates in you.

So, who is the lion who follows you every day?

He has various names but he's generally known as Stress.

Stress in the workplace, stress at home, intrusive thoughts, phobias, worries, what if's....you name it really. In one form or another whether you like it or not you own a lion without realising it and then the rest is up to you with help if needed from therapists and perhaps some meds to make the lion feel less frightening.

Hope that makes sense.

22-03-17, 07:47
Oh! How I wish I could send my lion to a zoo!

22-03-17, 09:04
That's brilliant Bill :)

22-03-17, 09:23
To me, this lion is not following me, it's sitting right on my shoulders! :(

22-03-17, 09:40
When I saw the title on the main forum (index) I had a chuckle and thought there is no way some one has a lion in there home/garden etc LOL. It's well put this is and makes a lot of sense. And so long as you have tools in place to help you ( it could be meds, therapy,groups etc) . And it seems to have a cycle so when you learn the trigger(s) you try and avoid the them that sets you off and providing you haven't let it escalate out of control then you can do something about it :) A bit like a fire starting if tackled in the very early stages less damage is done and it's easier to put out! Bills post makes a lot of sense :) Thanks for posting Bill Cheers

22-03-17, 11:35
It got the nickname the "dragon" too a while back... breathes the fire of doubt and worry down your neck.

Positive thoughts

23-03-17, 02:10
I've not heard of that one...the dragon...but I like it.

Winston Churchill used to suffer from depression and he called it his black dog. I wrote a poem a while back as I got fed up with my black dog following me around although the real-life black dog I had was my best friend who I used to talk to constantly when I felt low. I still miss him.

Black Dog

Black dog, black dog, please go away,
Leave me to enjoy this one fine day,
Just one day of pure pleasure,
To do with at my leisure,

Black dog, black dog, please leave me alone,
Go and play or gnaw on your bone,
For I need this one day of mine,
A pause, a break, this one moment in time,

Black dog, black dog, please ignore me,
Pretend I’m not here, too hard to see,
In this bright sunlight, this warm sunshine,
This relaxing day you won’t let me find,

Black dog, black dog, my faithful “friend”,
Refusing to leave me, to let me mend,
Always within me as dark as night,
Always there within my sight,
If you will not leave me, let me take you by your lead,
So you may guide me, away from my despair and misery.