View Full Version : Pneumonia from allergies???

21-03-17, 01:38
I have developed terrible spring allergies. I am taking medication but it seems to not be helping. I can't stop sneezing, and my nose has been running straight for 3 days! My anxiety is off the charts and I can't stop hyperventilating and panicking every moment. I am so worried that one day I won't be able to breathe at all!! Can allergies kill you??? I know this is a very immature thing to ask, but please I am desperate. Can allergies cause anaphylaxis or something???

21-03-17, 01:42
Some allergies--ie. Those with severe allergy to bee stings, can die of anaphylaxis if left untreated. What you are describing, no. All you are doing is allowing your anxiety to lie to you thus you are 'hyperventilating and panicking every moment'.

Clydesdale Epona
21-03-17, 09:11
Certain allergies in severity like nut ones ect, if bad enough can but I've not really heard any dying from it, especially if you've had it a while and it still hasn't.
I have both hay fever and a slight allergy to horse hair but I'm still alive and kicking :) x

All the best :hugs:

21-03-17, 09:17
Certain allergies in severity like nut ones ect, if bad enough can but I've not really heard any dying from it, especially if you've had it a while and it still hasn't.
I have both hay fever and a slight allergy to horse hair but I'm still alive and kicking :) x

All the best :hugs:

Now that's pretty inconvenient for you!

Clydesdale Epona
21-03-17, 09:35
Now that's pretty inconvenient for you!

I know oops :whistles:
I learned after about two days of being there but I just continued :roflmao: I just take some nasal spray and its okay, I sneeze much less now actually x

22-03-17, 06:10
Can normal hay fever turn into pneumonia!???? I have developed a cough with a slight drumming sound in the back. My anxiety is causing my throat to close up , but sometimes I can't tell if I am actually having trouble breathing due to allergies or illness or just my anxiety. I am terrified of coughs and now it feels like I pulled a muscle in my throat from hyperventilating.

Catherine S
22-03-17, 08:03
I saw your other thread about your Spring allergy worries. Is this allergy new to you or do you get this every Spring, and is it stronger this year for some reason? In other words, why is it freaking you out this year in particular?

Pneumonia is caused by a bacteria or virus, and I've never heard of hayfever causing it. I suffer with hayfever and my symptoms last most of the seasons through different kinds of pollen, itchy eyes, sneezing, itchy throat and sometimes hives break out too. Im also very sensitive to insect bites and stings. The only thing that gives me relief is antihistamine drops....the tablets don't work for me, but the drops are really effective and take away the symptoms completely.

ISB ☺ x

22-03-17, 08:43

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


22-03-17, 08:57
Can normal hay fever turn into pneumonia!???? I have developed a cough with a slight drumming sound in the back. My anxiety is causing my throat to close up , but sometimes I can't tell if I am actually having trouble breathing due to allergies or illness or just my anxiety. I am terrified of coughs and now it feels like I pulled a muscle in my throat from hyperventilating.

Seasonal allergies can irritate your sinuses and throat, allowing opportunistic viral and/or bacterial infections to gain a foothold.
Pneumonia would be a rather extreme and unlikely outcome, but I suppose anything's possible.
A more likely scenario would be seasonal allergies leading into an upper respiratory virus (ie, the common cold), or even allergies making you more susceptible to common bacterial infections like strep throat or an ear infection.
Have you visited a doctor? Maybe a prescription antihistamine is in order.

Best wishes.

22-03-17, 09:01
Hey Megan99,

I won't lie to you, there are indeed allergies that can have pretty severe consequences (anaphalactic shock). BUT I haven't heard of hay fever / spring allergies causing it. Also anaphylaxis is characterized by rapid onset and has many more symptoms; if you indeed had such a reaction, you wouldn't hesitate calling emergency services, you'd know.

What you are describing does sound like hay fever combined with anxiety. I have had the shortness of breath, hyperventilating, and it can indeed feel like hell. The problem is, the physical sensations of an allergy makes the anxiety worse. Like I still believe mentioned already, have you tried antihistamines? Maybe talk to your doctor about it. I bet if you manage to get your allergy symptoms under control, your anxiety will get better.


23-03-17, 03:33
I have never suffered from allergies like these before. That's why I'm freaking out. I have been hyperventilating a lot. Is it normal to feel like your veins are tangled in your throat or like you pulled a muscle in your throat near your collar bones from hyperventilation? It feels like my throat is just strained or something.

23-03-17, 05:23
Hey Megan99,

from my experience, it can feel like your throat is constricting, like a lump in your throat. It is very disconcerting to say the least. I told this to my GP when I had that feeling, and she checked and didn't find anything out of the ordinary. That being said, allergies can also produce symptoms like that. Maybe it's best for a doctor to take a look at it. There are also tests to determine if and to what exactly you are allergic, sometimes it is not what one assumes.
