View Full Version : Celiac Disease or other Autoimmunity

22-03-17, 07:21
Hey, so this past year has been quite a long journey. I thought it would end with my life, most certainly a few weeks ago when I developed severe chest pains. (I later learned that this may have been because the b12 supplements I was taking contained wheat.) A few weeks ago I landed in the ER for the second time. I was waiting for my blood test and my chest x ray to come back telling me that I had some kind of terminal illness and you should have seen the look on my face when I walked out of the hospital after the results. Doc said I was completely fine. I've lost about 15-17 pounds since I became sick and the doctor suggested that I must have some sort of gastrointestinal condition causing malabsorption. When I got home, I told my grandmother that they still couldn't find anything wrong with me and she suggested that I invest in therapy. As you might have imagined the look on my face when I learned I lost weight for no reason, but I wasn't dying, you can probably imagine the look on my face when she suggested that talking to a shrink would solve my weight loss, constipation and neurological symptoms. I really had nowhere else to turn, because I knew now that after all I had been through, nobody would listen to me.

I called up my maternal grandmother, who I hadn't seen in years because of an argument. She immediately came to my rescue, and suggested I may have celiac disease.

I investigated celiac as a possible cause a while back, but I had severe brain fog and anxiety then, and I was obsessed with thinking I had pancreatic cancer, at my age. I was busy waiting for my skin to turn yellow, which it never did.

Anyhow, I've been off of gluten for a couple of weeks now, although I've had a few instances where I've gotten poisoned, overall I feel at least a little better than I did. I still have a couple of issues with h health anxiety right now. I'm not in a good shape whatsoever. I'm sitting between 131 and 133 lbs at 5'11 and I'm only 20 years old. Whenever I eat gluten, my arm and leg start to go numb. I'm borderline underweight for my height and there's a hell of a lot of other things that have caused health issues, a majority of which can probably be attributed to the 300 possible symptoms of celiac. I've got raised lymph nodes just about everywhere, I was constipated for days on end until I started the diet. I'm still tired, albeit, not as much as I was. The roof of my mouth is pale with a red sore. My sinuses are nearly blocked and my eyes are dry. I've got moles that started to worry me. I'm I'm sure a lot of my symptoms can be attributed to malnutrition but it still makes me worry sometimes.

It's been about a year since this journey started and while I'm glad it's not over yet for obvious reasons I can't wait to be up and running again. This disease has been hindering my life big-time, and I might have been dealing with this mentally and physically as long as I can remembered. My grandma told me she was always worried about how uncoordinated I was.

Anyways, as much as this place has helped me, I hope I reach a point where I can recover from both my anxiety and health problems and never come back here, as I'm sure some people eventually do. I know this wasn't really much of a "worried about my symptoms" thread, but in all honesty I'm not that scared. Not nearly as I used to be. Anyways, I've got a lot to deal with. First I've got to put weight back on, get insurance, see a gastro, a derma, and a dentist just to get everything sorted out. I've got a long road ahead.