View Full Version : Worried that something is wrong with my lungs..

Bethany 95
22-03-17, 09:46
I'm not sure what I exactly think is wrong. But, every so often I get sharp pains in the center of my chest, they only last a few seconds then go away. Also lately, just randomly throughout the day, my breathing will become really uncomfortable and I feel like I need to take deep breaths or yawn constantly. And, it also makes me sometimes feel like i can't get a deep breath until I yawn. Sometimes I also get this really weird feeling/pain where I feel like I need to gasp for air. That feeling will sometimes stay for a few minutes, but it won't be as bad as when it initially started, then it slowly goes away. That one doesn't happen as often as the other two though, but it probably scares me the most. Does this sound like I have a lung problem?

22-03-17, 10:15

I have the same problem, like I am breathing through a straw at certain times too, but the taking of deep breathes all the time 100% - I have just been for a chest xray which is normal so I am back to the GP as he might want to send me for a Spirometry test to check my lung function.

Not saying this is our lungs just giving you my experience :)

22-03-17, 18:33
I'm not sure what I exactly think is wrong. But, every so often I get sharp pains in the center of my chest, they only last a few seconds then go away. Also lately, just randomly throughout the day, my breathing will become really uncomfortable and I feel like I need to take deep breaths or yawn constantly. And, it also makes me sometimes feel like i can't get a deep breath until I yawn. Sometimes I also get this really weird feeling/pain where I feel like I need to gasp for air. That feeling will sometimes stay for a few minutes, but it won't be as bad as when it initially started, then it slowly goes away. That one doesn't happen as often as the other two though, but it probably scares me the most. Does this sound like I have a lung problem?

If the "95" in your name is a reference to your year of birth, the odds of there being something wrong with your lungs are very low. Or high - still not figured out which is right. But what I'm saying is it's very unlikely.

Even if you're older than that, what you're describing does not sound sinister. The chest pains are likely in the structure of the chest wall and related to things like posture and strain - or just tension from anxiety. On the other hand, it could be a bit of acid reflux. In either case, it can be managed and treated and should not cause concern. You could see your doctor to get it investigated, and I'm sure the outcome would be positive.

As for the breathing - so-called "air hunger" is very common with anxiety. It happens when we become overly-focused on our physical sensations. Our body switches into survival mode and breathing goes from being handled subconsciously to being handled consciously, and we feel as if we have to forcibly breathe or we'll just stop or not get enough air. This can be managed by tackling anxiety and the thought patterns that create the symptom. You won't stop breathing, though. Your body won't let you.