View Full Version : how do i delete my account ?

22-03-17, 10:08
I see no option on my account to delete

22-03-17, 10:12
why delete yourself? You have helped me so much on my last post :(

But if you really want to you need to post a thread on the admin forum (I think it is called)

Catherine S
22-03-17, 10:27
Or just send a private message to admin Elen, Venusbluejeans or Nicola. Leaving the forum doesn't have to be done openly in a thread.

I saw your comment on another thread saying you don't get many replies. Looking at your thread history you've had quite alot to be honest, with 25 replies on a few of them, 11 on some too as well as 8 or 9 on others. There weren't that many with no replies at all, and you post most days....perhaps having alot of threads on the go at the same time confuses people. Also, there are alot more members here now, and the threads move down the boards alot quicker so can be missed sometimes.

Perhaps just take a break? But best wishes for the future if you do go ahead with deleting completely.

Take care

22-03-17, 10:41
I'm sorry but I find coming on here just keeps feeding the fact you have anxiety when the only way to overcome anxiety is to learn new behaviours which mean not checking up on anxiety all the time, its a habit that has to be changed, I know this from the past but have been too weak and scared to do it and just kept looking for reassurance

if you ever want to get better anxiety forums will never get you there

if you want to learn a non anxious new habit then you need to stop remaining yourself of anxiety, checking up on websites about symptoms etc

I know its impossible to do that but that's how I beat my anxiety for 7 years and its proven that infact to beat anxiety you need to do this.

plus the fact hardly anyone replies anymore on here

I wish you all the best of luck

Catherine S
22-03-17, 10:50
Ah sorry I edited my reply in reference to your comment about getting no replies :) But in answer to your point about feeding your anxiety by being here, well this is an anxiety forum after all and people with anxiety join to get a bit of support from other sufferers, advice about medication etc. It really works too. There are lots of success stories to be read. But I know it's not for everyone.

Good luck to you anyway.

22-03-17, 11:03

We are sorry to hear that you would like your account deleted.

We usually allow 24 hours in case you wish to change your mind.

If we do not hear from you we will delete your account as requested tomorrow.

Wishing you all the best.


22-03-17, 14:04

We are sorry to hear that you would like your account deleted.

We usually allow 24 hours in case you wish to change your mind.

If we do not hear from you we will delete your account as requested tomorrow.

Wishing you all the best.


ok thanks, I wont change my mind

22-03-17, 16:29
insideout20 makes a good point and its true. 4 years ago I was all anxious because I thought I had MS, and was all over forums. After about a year I stopped googling, stopped going on forums....and poof, within weeks it all went away. Nowadays anxiety is coming back and im back on googling and forums. I hope to someday get to the point where I don't even use the internet, and only use a phone to make and receive calls lol.

Its so hard to stop though, but insideout20 is right. Unfortunately these forums are a great way of making people more anxious, since most people just want "reassurance". However in some ways its good so that people can see that others go through the same, and that its "just anxiety". But im almost positive that deep down inside, most know its "just anxiety"....they just want constant reassurance.

Unfortunately mainstream medias are great at keeping people weak. People need to log off, stop googling, and be mentally stronger. My mom is like that, she could be having a heart attack and would just laugh about it lol.

Catherine S
22-03-17, 17:37
Hi baz, yes I agree its not for everyone, but based on your past experience, where you say you recovered far more without using online anxiety forums like this one, can I ask why you decided to join us here just a few weeks ago? you've posted most days so you must be getting some benefit from posting?


22-03-17, 19:06
the benefit is shirt term to appease your paranoia for a day until it's something else. it never ends once you stop believing you have ms the next week you think.you have a brain tumor and so on. the cycle never ends the more you keep looking for answers to symptoms

I haven't practised what I preach but what I do know is the only way to get rid of anxiety is to reprogram the amygdala and it only responds to behaviours not meds or anything else. That's why cbt is cognitive behavioural therapy and is the most effective treatment for anxiety you have to change your behaviours and coming on here posting and asking for reassurance just feeds the anxiety cycle over and over again and you never change your behaviour

I think the site is great for people to help each other and by no means am I trying to Diss the site and stop people coming on but we all want to get better and I'm telling everyone coming on here all the time you will never do so. you might feel better for a while but until you reprogram the amygdala it will never go away

I couldn't believe when mine came back after 7 years which is worrying as I thought that was it and I have been too weak and scared to stay of Google and this forum etc but enough is enough, I want and have to get better I can't stand this cycle anymore

Catherine S
22-03-17, 20:37
I think you meant to say short term there lol!

Yes alot of people do post for reassurance, and reassurance helps some through the tough times, but others say it doesn't help them to move on. However, if you already know what to expect on anxiety forums then why join, only to then say the forum isn't helping? I don't get that sorry. Because then it's not the forum that's to blame for how it makes you feel really is it.

Also, it's can be frustrating when people say these things openly on a thread, when there is the option to just leave quietly via private message.

Just my thoughts sorry, and I do wish you well even if it doesn't come across that way. Sometimes I get a bit tired of people bashing a forum that's done alot of good for alot of people over the years. But I'll leave it there.

Take care
ISB x x

22-03-17, 21:25
yes I understand but if you had an option just to delete your account like most forums do then there would not be this discussion and yes you are right I will happily delete this post my rant was more aimed at everyone to make them try and beat their anxiety and not to dent a website , I wouldn't want to do that but I do care more about people beating their anxiety and this is the way to do it please believe me even though I have not managed to do it this time because my anxiety has been so bad but I am going to do it again

good luck all

22-03-17, 21:30

ill miss you.

Wishing you well.

Liz xx

22-03-17, 21:31
I understand your reasons & wish you the very best Insideout.
I don't think I'll be going anywhere soon as this place is the only place I have at the moment to help me through this lonely mess & some days the only people I talk to are here...( if I keep going you will violins in the background lol!)
Take care xxx

22-03-17, 23:17
Good luck to you. If it's the way to your recovery, it's the best decision.

I have no reassurance seeking behaviours in my anxiety so I don't have the same worries about recovery. This place doesn't stop me but I think with this place being disproportionately about HA, it can appear this way for many.

It goes beyond forums too.

23-03-17, 14:05
hi, is it possible to delete my account now as it has been 2 days since I requested this

23-03-17, 14:24
It has been 1 day and I am at work at the moment.

I will try and do it when I get home.

23-03-17, 14:47
Insideout, I'm sure the admin will do it asap but to move on in the direction you want you will need to stop visiting nmp surely? Because even with your account deleted the forums will still exist xx

23-03-17, 16:23
i am coming back to see how long its actually going to take before I cant login anymore and my request to delete has been actioned, I have never encountered a website that makes it so difficult to delete your account, I find it bizarre

I haven't ben on any posts or posted and I wont be either I just want to make sure someone is going to respect my decision to leave and action it, it should not take 2 days and counting

23-03-17, 17:34
Still only 1 day but I am now home from work and will jump to it straight away