View Full Version : I have exhausted myself.

22-03-17, 11:24
I've been in such anxiety for like 2 months now and the last few days I'm literally exhausted. I just want to sleep all day, I have no energy. I'm trying so hard and my husband just doesn't understand. I just don't want to do anything. I can't shake that something is wrong with my daughter. And I feel like if you mention it to the Dr they just say well you need to a specialist. I just feel like Dr's don't have any common sense anymore. They just jump to worst case senario. IDK I'm all jumbled over here. I'm so tired I can't even type.

22-03-17, 13:51
Hi Supermom,

What exactly are you anxious about? You post was a little vague. Is your daughter showing any obvious signs of being unwell?

Anxiety can be exhausting and conversely being in a state of exhaustion can create more anxiety. It's a nasty vicious circle! Perhaps if you can be a little more specific someone here may be able to help :yesyes:

22-03-17, 13:59
Look on the GAD threads for Anxiety is a symptom by Bill. It will explain a lot in regards to anxiety. It helped me tremendously.

22-03-17, 15:20
Hi Supermom,

What exactly are you anxious about? You post was a little vague. Is your daughter showing any obvious signs of being unwell?

Anxiety can be exhausting and conversely being in a state of exhaustion can create more anxiety. It's a nasty vicious circle! Perhaps if you can be a little more specific someone here may be able to help :yesyes:

I'm having major health anxiety regarding my daughter. Sometimes I just feel like her coloring is off. I took her for blood work yesterday so we'll see. My husband is getting annoyed with me as well. He says she's fine.