View Full Version : Very confused

25-04-07, 13:39
I saw my GP today because my ENT dr on monday told me to get the steroid spray because it might still help the congestion in my ears that I get. The ENT dr examined my ears and said they were perfect, the pressure test was perfect so he said nothing to worry about. Now today I saw my GP for the spray and he wanted to examine me, he said my ears have gallons of fluid in them, lol! he said im suffering from chronic congestion, I asked if this was chronic sinusitis and he said 'yes it is but non infected chronic sinusitis' he said the fluid just sits in my ears because it cannot drain.

One week it can be my left side and the next its my right. When I get it my ear feels full and it hurts, my cheek and eye will also hurt on that same side. I even sometimes get pain in my arm and leg on that side, its so uncomfortable and its really getting to me lately. I have had it constantly now since February since I had sinusitis and had anti bs which did seem to clear it up.

My GP said noway could my ENT dr at Bupa of missed my ears being this full only 2 days ago so im going to ring him as im not happy. My GP has given me a new spray to try and I have to go and see him in a couple of weeks. I asked him if I am at any risk (he knows I know meningitis is a rare complication of chronic sinusisits) and he said its not because its not infected. I am stil abit concerned though. He said I might have to live with this, he thinks its a better option than surgery. The thing is my ENT dr says there is nothing wrong with my ears.

Gosh I am confused and not sure what to do really. Do I complain to the ENT dr? how on earth can I relax and not worry about it?

25-04-07, 15:00
it sounds to me like the ENT dr has made a huge mistake, if i were you i would write a letter of complaint to the hospital, this mistake could have had bad effects if you had not got your ears checked out by your doctor soon after.
I hope you are sucsessfull in whichever root you choose to take.
adam x

25-04-07, 18:58
I agree. Get back in touch with your specialist - you paid good money for bum information - ask him for a further consultation free of charge. - or ask for a second opinion. Tell him you want an appointment ASAP as this has caused you added worry and stress.
At least your GP has reassured you what it is. Go armed with this diagnosis and don't be fobbed off !!! Good for you.
Be kind to yourself

25-04-07, 19:35
Thank you both,

I didn't get chance to ring him today but tomorrow i will, i will only get his receptionist but im going to ring bupa first and play hell about it. He even sent the bill today for £80!!!! he can swivel if he thinks he is getting that before seeing me again.

I am quite anxious but my dr did say im not at risk but i don't know what to think to be honest. I have suffered with this for months and months, maybe even years, i had it 2 yrs ago for sure. I am worried about this and I can't face living with this pain.

Isn't gromits an option?

25-04-07, 21:49
Hiya Cherry hun,i would be soooo pi**ed at the ENT doc,i would def seek a second opinon on this,i am really surprised that an ENT doc would miss this though (especially as your paying him)!! it would have shown in the pressure test if there was fluid there!!,I have had this myself and i think your doc is wrong about 1 thing,Chronic sinusitis is an infection in your sinuses(little air pockets in the head ) not ears,it sounds like congested ears to me probably caused ny the previous sinusitis you had.Why dont you ask your doc to refer you to an NHS ent as it seems like you just keep getting different diagnosis and i think for your own peace of mind you should ask him for this.

26-04-07, 10:09
Thanks Danuella,

I have rung the ENT dr and his secretary took my details and will speak to him for me then get back to me, im not paying him until I am satisifed that im ok.

I don't think its sinusitis either, its more like ears than face pressure. My GP did refer me to an NHS ENT dr last year but i went private to BUPA rather than waiting so I can't really ask again. I went private and thought id get it sorted quick, which I did coz i got a CT scan really quickly and that was clear.

Do you think that even if i have got fluid stuck in my ears then im not at any risk?

Today im exhausted and my eyes are so sentisive, ive had this alot lately, my eyes are always heavy and very sensitive to daylight.

26-04-07, 16:19
My ENT dr got back to me, he said all was normal when he examined me, he couldnt see any problems. No chronic problems and certainly not loads of fluid. He said if my GP is concerned then to contact him.

So I guess he is right, I went private so if he was unsure he would tell me to come back to make another £80:winks: but he said im totally fine so I guess I should accept it.

26-04-07, 20:18
Hya Hun,well he is the ent doc so that is his area of speciality isnt it
He must be pretty damn certain if hes saying for your GP to contact him if needs be.I wuld try and relax as i dont think its sinusitis,its nothing like it!!as i said in previous post its air pockets(sinuses),when i had that i became over sensitive to my ears when i would notice the sightest differance in them whether that be pressure changes or hearing,i noticed it all and focused on it,i think thats what your doing too hun.Try and relax and have faith that the ENT doc seems very confident that he didnt get it wrong,try and relax and trust him.

26-04-07, 20:49
Thanks hun,

Yes I am going to do my best to relax now, at the end of the day if she wanted to make another easy £80 he would of asked me back in a shot if he was the slightest bit concerned.