View Full Version : Major relapse

22-03-17, 14:08
After almost 3 years of minimal HA, I've started to have a major reloaded. This has ended in tears this morning.

Things began in December, I had a bit of a tingly toe one evening, googled and came up with peripheral neuropathy. One of the causes was alcohol. Although I enjoy a glass of wine or two I am no means an alcoholic but neither am I a diabetic or anything else that can cause it. After spending months worrying and probably focusing and exacerbating the tingling I went to see my GP who told me it was due to an irritated nerve on the top of my foot, to wear supportive shoes and laughed me out of the surgery. However now I'm feeling tingling all over my foot, I'm thinking it's going into the other foot and creeping up my legs. I'm totally panicked. I've since developed a sore arm- probably sleeping awkwardly and thinking it's neuropathy spreading. Since Sunday I've had tummy ache with low down abdominal pain but only just had diarrhoea this morning - worried sick as if this was a bug I'd have had the diarrhoea straight away, right? I've broken down in tears earlier as the diarrhoea has irritated me and there was a little blood before on the loo paper. Ive booked an appointment with my GP for next week. Sertraline has helped in the past. I can't believe I've worked myself up into this state. I'm a mature middle aged professional lady and really should know better. I would appreciate a shout out from anyone who's relapsed and how they coped x

22-03-17, 16:55
I am new to the forum but just wanted to say I hear you. I am in a HA relapse myself after having minimal HA for well over a year. We both know by now that the mind can convince you of the worst thing imaginable. Meeting with your GP is good and let that be a visit where you can discuss your concerns and worries. Perhaps it will calm your fears a bit. Good luck and hang in there :)

22-03-17, 20:49
Thank you both x

The terror attack on London today has put things into perspective and calmed me down a little - there's much much worse things happening and I'm worrying about probably nothing. I've managed to eat a sandwich tonight after having no appetite for days so I'm hoping that will settle my stomach a little and give me some much needed energy. It is good to hear from others in a similar predicament, it's funny how you know you're being irrational but it's something you have no controls over isn't it? I am reluctant to go back to medication after doing so well without it but at the same time it works and life is hellish when you're caught in a HA cycle and breaking the cycle is the best thing for my health and well being.