View Full Version : Anxiety symptoms worse when tired

22-03-17, 15:33
This is my first post so please be kind.

For as long as i can remember i have suffered with Anxiety. This issue is made worse when I'm tired. When tired i feel cery self conscious and it's like i dont know how to act. I even get anxious about getting a good nights sleep as the tiredness makes me anxious!!(my mind is crazy at times!)

To help combat the tiredness i will take sleeping tablets (particularly if I've got a stressful event planned for the next day where i need to be at my best)

Taking tablets isn't something that i want to do long term and i would like to try and tackle the root cause of the issue.

Can anyone please point me in the right direction for any treatments or therapy that may help me.

Thanks in advance

22-03-17, 16:42
Sleeping tablets are never a good idea. Make an appointment with your primary care provider and let them know how you feel. Cry if you want.....throw a hissy fit.....whatever grabs their attention. They may well prescribe a short session of happy pills, together with some more longer term antidepressants. Make sure that you parallel those with some kind of talking therapy (CBT).
If you're averse to taking tablets, that's fine. Tablets just take the edge off. It's the therapy that gets to the root of any problems.
Best of luck to you.

22-03-17, 20:45
I can relate to everything youve said here. I also get stressed about sleeping and take sleeping tablets on the odd occasion just to get a decent night once in a while.
I also wanted to recover without medication and resisted for a long time. However my anxiety was so bad that I finally gave meds a go. It took a bit of trial and error until I found one that suited me. I only ever took a low dose which just took the edge off the physical feelings and then enabled me to address the uñderlying issues so that full recovery was possible.
I was fine for over 18 months but unfortunately a series of recent very stressful events has resulted in the anxiety being back with a vengeance so I'm trying hard to use all the techniques I learned before as for whatever reson the meds I had before have had no effect this time. However, I recovered before and will again - I do believe this.
Don't be afraid to give meds a chance - they can just give your mind a bit of space to deal with everything which in turn will help you sleep better :)

23-03-17, 20:51
Thank you for your replies and it feels very reassuring to know that i'm not the only person going through the same issues.

I feel that i've managed my anxiety to a manageable state largely through exercise. This hard work just seems to be un-done when i'm tired and i feel a lot more on edge. It's a bit of a vicious circle as you want a good nights sleep so you're at your best, therefor you cannot sleep.

I'm wondering if some CBT or counselling might help address these as i'm determined to keep making progress.