View Full Version : Hate being home alone!!!

25-04-07, 13:58
Last week I was given new medication for my anxiety. This will be my third attempt trying to find something that works. I know that I shouldn't do this, but my anxiety has been extremly bad that it has scared the daylights out of me which has made me not want to be alone. I wish I wasn't like this. Hopeful soon I will be able to normally function like my old self again.


25-04-07, 14:17
just wanna give you a bit of reassurance that it will get better... up until july of last year i couldnt be own my own... for 2 whole years i was not once on my own, not even for 5 mins... now i spend all day on my own while my fella goes to work... i think you just have to do it until it becomes normal again... i was just always scared i'd lose control (whatever that meant??) or i'd have a panic attack and not be able to cope but as soon as i realised that nothing bad actually happened it was ok... just remember you've always got this site to come to if you're feeling really bad... i find there's always someone on here tjhat can lift my moods... :hugs:

25-04-07, 14:35
Hi there..
Totally relate to you.
There was a time when i couldn't be left alone and if my ex needed to go shopping i would have to have a "babysitter" to sit with me.
Yesterday i was on my own from 5am - 10pm. My husband has to commute and he does funny shifts too. I was dreading it, but i coped - just! I'm on my own most days, weekends too, but unless i feel really crappy, i can deal with it, the problem for me right now is that my only support person is in freaking Spain, i am having hold back the panic...lol
If you do feel "funny", you have to try and think to yourself you'll be okay. I had a "funny" on Saturday night, i was alone (of course), my mother was 30 miles away at a party (she PROMISED she'd take her mobile with her, "just incase" - did she??? NO!) and my husband was staying at his mothers. I started feeling super anxious, i was convinced something terrible was going to happen, i got myself into a right state. I was telling myself i was fine and nothing at all was wrong with me. I had a bath (took me a while to get in there because i was worried something would happen to me while bathing..!) but i slow calmed down.
Panic is SH*TE...and it does its best to scare you when in fact, there is nowt to be scared of!
Hopefully your meds will work for you :)


25-04-07, 16:20
I can totally relate as well...it's completely natural to want someone with you all the time when you're suffering anxiety. My mum "babysat" for me last year and I couldn't bear it when she went out. I couldn't go out on my own for ages either. As Sarah C says, you have to test the boundaries of your anxiety...nothing terrible has ever happened when you were home alone, so why should it happen now? One of the main problems of anxiety/depression is that sufferers can become very clingy/over-dependent so try to set yourself small goals. I used to give myself targets like catching the bus into town, going to the local shop etc on my own, even if I had to take a taxi back and it gave me a real sense of achievement. I hope your medications will help and believe me, once you are strong enough to go out on your own again, it'll be brilliant.

26-04-07, 09:17
I am glad i am not the only one, a lot of people i have spoken to prefer to be on their own when they feel anxious, i hate it, it terrifies me being on my own all day and i also cant have a bath or shower while there is nobody here in case i pass out or something, and now after being stung by a wasp last year i wont go in the garden on my own either in case i have a reaction (didnt last time so no reason why it should next time!!) my husband spent 3 years working part time as a driver and used to take me to work with him every day cause i was so bad but due to financial reasons has had to take a different job and it is full time it has only been 5 months and i dread every morning. Good news is i filled in my forms for incapacity benefit and disability allowance yesterday so if i am succesfull he might be able to drop his hours again i have also applied for my blue badge so it may make it easier to get out again. My husband jokes that i would only be happy if i was living in a commune or kibutz as there would always be lots of people around, do you think it would catch on a "commune of calm" :sign20: i reckon they would be queing to get in!!!.

Jacqui x

26-04-07, 09:28
I can totally relate too. I spent years finding it hard to be alone while my husband was at work. I wasn't too bad once I knew he was actually 'at work' as I knew he was only a phone call away, but I would panic like crazy when I knew he was unreacheable as this was in the days before mobile phones.

These days I am quite happy to be alone all day. My partner leaves for work at 7.30am and isn't home till after 5pm and I quite enjoy being on my own now. Sometimes he travels with his work and has been to France and Germany on a few occasions and I did worry that I would panic as he was going to be a long way away but I actually found it a lot easier than I had thought I would.

26-04-07, 13:01
Hello Peggy

This is 'orrible isn't it? At one time my hubby even had to accompany me to the toilet, and stay with me for the duration, it was so bad :ohmy:.

I hope the meds will be the ones that help you over this.

And you've got friends here on NMP !


26-04-07, 13:16
it terrifies me being on my own all day and i also cant have a bath or shower while there is nobody here in case i pass out or something

Jacqui x

I used to be like that too Jacqui. I would wait until my son came home from school before I would have a bath or wash my hair. I also would find it hard to cook when I was on my own as I worried I might pass out and leave the cooker on. The only way I could get around that problem was to phone a panic help line and ask them to talk to me while I was cooking so that I didn't feel alone and it really helped me a lot at that time.

26-04-07, 21:13
Thanks everyone!!!

I can relate to alot of you here too.


27-04-07, 14:11
hi alabasterlyn, i never realised it was that common, i am the same with the cooking as well, i tend to snack all through the day and dont use the oven or hob untill my husband gets home. Mind you i think he is quite glad of this as one day i started to panic while cooking chips and went to phone my sister to calm down and forgot all about thefood, luckily a friend of my neighbour saw the flames and came running round. If thats not enough to put me of cooking i dont know what is :sign20: .
i have never used a chip pan since.

Jacqui x

27-04-07, 15:10
hi alabasterlyn, i never realised it was that common, i am the same with the cooking as well, i tend to snack all through the day and dont use the oven or hob untill my husband gets home. Mind you i think he is quite glad of this as one day i started to panic while cooking chips and went to phone my sister to calm down and forgot all about thefood, luckily a friend of my neighbour saw the flames and came running round. If thats not enough to put me of cooking i dont know what is :sign20: .
i have never used a chip pan since.

Jacqui x

I've lost count of the times I've nearly burnt the kitchen down because my anxiety has distracted me :ohmy:

In the past few months I've set fire to food under the grill in both the microwave and the oven. My partner thinks I'm not safe to be left alone half the time!