View Full Version : Seeing GI doc tommorow and guess what

22-03-17, 16:54
I'm obsessing about it. I've had intermittent rectal bleeding for at least ten years. It comes and goes, lasts for a few days. It's bright red and frank and I have terrible bowel habits, so I always assumed it was a hem. Talked to my doc about it two years ago, he did a DRE/proctoscope exam, said he thought it was in internal hemorrhoid. We did a fecal leukocyte test to rule out IBDs, came back negative. The next year I mentioned I was still having the problem, he gave me a referral to a GI doc.

Doctor's visits and tests give me serious anxiety (I had a skin tag removed last year that I was positive was melanoma even though it looked nothing like it, and it naturally wasn't) so I put it off and put it off. Then I read some dumb NYT article about how cases of colon cancer are rising in my age group (under 40) and of course it set me off. So I scheduled the appointment two weeks ago, it's coming up tomorrow and I'm having visions of complete colonic resections and an early death, all because I put off the exam for so long.

A more realistic fear, for me at least, is that this begins a process of tests with waits between results that will put me in a weeks or months long anxiety limbo. So, for those of you who have been to one, or regularly visit gastroenterologists, what should I expect? Is this an issue that can be satisfactorily resolved for me in one visit, or can I expect another 2-4 weeks of worrying as I wait for a colonoscopy slot to open up?

22-03-17, 22:49
I think it sounds like piles.

They may examine you and confirm this or they may order a colonoscopy just to be sure.

22-03-17, 23:04
I agree, it probably is that, or a fissure. It doesn't really bother me aside from the sight of blood being disturbing and the worry in the back of my mind. My other fear is that I'm about to embark on weeks or months of embarrassing, gross, and uncomfortable tests, each round of which will give me a fresh bout of anxiety, just to find out it's something benign like IBS. I've been "disgnosed" by my GP with IBS but I understand for an official diagnosis you have to rule literally everything else out. Also I'm in an extremely busy work period for the next few months and can't really take off two weekdays in a row for prep and the procedure. I guess my main question for the board is: has anyone ever gone to a GI for bleeding stuff and not had a sigmoid/colonoscopy ordered?