View Full Version : Desperately need some help at the moment

22-03-17, 17:51

I don't know if anyone's out there or anyone will respond. But i didn't know where else to turn.

I'm sitting writing this at work and my anxiety is raging inside me as I do all I can not to lose it at my desk.

I've on day 5 of 20mg fluoxetine - I was previously on 10mg citalopram for a long time until this latest spike. I know increasing the medication and increase the anxiety - but this is almost unbearable.

I'm not sleeping because the anxiety has given me the weird symptom of needing to wee a lot...is that even a thing?? And i'm freaking myself out about that as well. I'm also not sleeping because of it and averaging about 4 hours a night at the moment.

I've requested a call back from my doctor - but to be honest I don't know what else they can do for me. Other than putting me on valium - which I know is addictive and which causes me even more anxiety.

I just don't know how my brain got into this mess. I can't see how I can climb out of this. Everyone limb feels like it's on fire because of the adrenaline.


---------- Post added at 17:51 ---------- Previous post was at 17:13 ----------

Anyone out there? Thanks so much

up a ladder
22-03-17, 18:40
Hi Rob
I hope things settled down a bit for you? It is horrible how it seems to overwhelm us at any given time. By the sound of it, you are just changing meds, so hopefully when these kick in, it will ease up for you.

22-03-17, 20:02
Hi, I wanted to send you some support. I am not currently on medication myself for HA but I hope I can help you a little. Do not feel bad or guilty or like it's your fault that your mind has gotten worse. You are a very strong and amazing person to even be at work right now. Your doctor will try and help you, they care even when they don't seem to...sometimes when you see or speak to them they are stressed in their own lives and seem disinterested but trust me they do! I hope your medication gets sorted and you can start to feel normal again soon, trust me you will soon I promise. Stay strong and take care xx

22-03-17, 20:17
Hi, hope you're ok. Sorry your anxiety bad & you're still having trouble sleeping, just wont be helping:( It shouldn't be too much longer till you feel benefit from the fluoxetine & hopefully things get easier for you then. Take care xx