View Full Version : Heart Anxiety and OCD

23-03-17, 03:45
There maybe a forum for this already but im wondering how many other have this same situation. im 27 and have health anxiety "mainly heart" and I check my pulse all day every day. Its always either too low or too fast "In my mind" and im never satisfied. I have no history of heart problems and have high bp due to anxiety. I have normal bp when im calm. I have had all sorts of tests that came back fine, yet i cant quit thinking "what if" I love with this torment daily and its ruining my life. I have had skipped beats in the past and pvcs as well. These of course made the anxiety worst and started the vicious circle......I fell every single sensation in my body and over analyze everything......Its torture and I dont know what to do anymore......

23-03-17, 09:52
Heart anxiety and OCD here too. Constantly checking my pulse (Always worry it's too fast or too weak). You aren't alone :)

26-03-17, 22:00
This is me constantly, i routinely check it with the slightest change in how I feel. Appointment to talk to my doctor tomorrow about it..