View Full Version : Leukemia symptoms for 5 months?

23-03-17, 04:42
I've had symptoms of leukemia since the middle of October: joint pain, muscle pain, feeling warm or cold, some fatigue. I just had bloodwork done this past Friday and everything was normal. If it was leukemia wouldn't it have shown up on my CBC by now? It can't possibly take 5 months, can it?

23-03-17, 08:13
I'm not googling for an answer lol but I would have thought over five months you would have got worse & most likely be very ill by now & your test wouldn't have come back normal. Sounds like you are just fine, try to relax:) xx

23-03-17, 21:18
Leukemia is a disease of the bone marrow that produces blood cells. I was evaluated for Leukemia two years ago after my white blood cell counts were double what they should be. I was told that the symptoms are a result of the abnormal cell development and excessive cells. CBCs also are automated and typically alert the operator of the machine of these abnormal "blast" cells in the blood. I watched the machine count my blood cells before.

But I am not a doctor, this is just from my questions with my Hematologist when I was getting a bunch of blood tests done. If you are worried, ask your doctor. They'll probably point to your CBC and say there's nothing wrong.

23-03-17, 21:43
I am sure it's fine , ask your doctor about it. There are so many things that can cause our symptoms , even anxiety and stress. Last year my mom had abnormalities show up on her routine blood work. The doctor ordered more blood work and when they couldn't figure out the reason for the abnormalities they gave her a referral to a hematologist oncologist. I was out of my mind with fear. I thought for sure she had cancer. She had to have a bone marrow biopsy and everything came back fine. No cancer! I was so relieved and shocked. Anyways, I am pretty sure your doctor would have seen something in your blood work, but I am starting to learn that it always helps to just be honest about your fear with your doctor so they can look into it and give you peace of mind. Plus even if things do look scary like in my moms case it is very possible for things to be fine. I know this is all much easier said than done. I have terrible health anxiety and often don't follow my own advice lol