View Full Version : My brain is terrible

23-03-17, 10:20
I've been feeling low lately and my anxiety has increased.
I was doing some mindfulness just now to improve my mental state. I was cooking pasta to take to work at the same time.
I could smell an odd smell and heard noises I thought were odd. When the mindfulness track finished I checked my cooker and realised that I'd turned on the wrong ring. And on the ring I'd turned on I'd left metal tongs last night and the plastic had burnt off onto the ring and it was smoking!

I've got nobody to talk to. So I needed to put this on here. My boyfriend is in work. I'm going to work in about an hour myself. This makes me want to cry.
Does anyone else have this thing that when they are low every little thing will set them off? I try to tell people I love about this but the only person who does listen is my boyfriend but I don't think he understands.

The reason this is such a big thing is because I was cooking rice in my microwave cooker one day and the bottom burnt out of it, that was just a few weeks ago. So that's two instances in a month! I have OCT with regard to hair straighteners and my oven (and front door) and this isn't helping me try to overcome it.

My boyfriend recently said he wants a child in the next two years but how can I do that when I can't even sort myself out?

I know this is the section for a virtual hug but I kinda need some words of wisdom. I used to come on this forum before but i come and go and my anxiety comes and goes. I really want my OCD to go and this horrible low mood that is making me not want to doing anything and feel miserable all the time.
I'm trying not to cry I'm am so sick of feeling like this and I have nowhere to turn as nobody listens to me. Doctors never helped me when I had sevre panic attacks and they don't care about my anxiety. I can only fix this by helping myself but it's so fricking hard. When I don't feel like it.

Thanks for taking the time to read this