View Full Version : Dark spot in eyesight - please help!

23-03-17, 10:53
I'm at breaking point, It's one symptom after another and I don't know how much more I can take.
The past few mornings I noticed when I opened my eyes that there was a kind of dark shadow/spot in my eyesight. If I blink and look around for a bit it goes away. But every time I closed my eyes , as soon as I opened them again I could see it again. I noticed this morning it was mostly just in my right eye.
I haven't googled but I'm so scared. I was put on a higher dose (25mg) of amitriptyline a week ago to help lift my mood. I know they can cause blurred vision, but surely they can't cause this as well.
Has anyone ever had something like this and it turned out to be nothing?

23-03-17, 11:38
Sounds like a floater but I'm guessing.

Why not ring your eye dr today?

23-03-17, 13:40
I was going to say the same as Nancy, sounds like an eye floater. As soon as I look I notice a few. Not going to google cos had them for a very long time & believe they are nothing to worry about. If it keeps bothering you you could get it checked. Take care xx

23-03-17, 14:04
Thanks for the replies.
I'm well overdue an eye test anyway so I rang the optician this morning but they can't fit me in until next Tuesday. Was really hoping I'd get in today or tomorrow.
I was looking at it a while ago and the dark spot seems to be about the size of a drop of water. I do have other floaters which are light coloured strings of little tiny spots. Whenever I tried to look directly at it, it moves and sometimes disappears. I will usually have to close and open my eye again to see it.
Does this still sound like a floater? Can they be big and dark?
I'm trying so hard not to google. So far so good.....

23-03-17, 14:53
That's great you have an appointment, hopefully will put your mind at rest. I still think it does, mines move away when I try to look & come back when I blink( if that makes sense?!) Well done for not googling too:) xx

23-03-17, 15:54
What's worrying me is that I can't see it if I look at the sky or something light in colour. I can only see it in a dimmed room, like it was when I woke this morning with the curtains closed.
I think I remember reading sometime ago that you can only see floaters looking at light coloured objects, not in dimmed light :weep:
This is really scaring me.

23-03-17, 16:36
Could it maybe just your eyes adjusting after wakening, you can see all strange things when they are or could be just because you are worried you are noticing it more( since talking about this I've noticed floaters all day lol!) Please try not to worry xx

23-03-17, 17:05
Thanks CakeLady - I'm doing my best but it's so hard when you're in an HA spiral, and boy am I in one.
I know there's nothing I can do except wait for next Tuesday and hope they tell me what I want to hear.
I just wish I'd stop getting symptoms for a while :weep:

23-03-17, 17:55
Aw I know its so hard:( Very best wishes xx

23-03-17, 18:16
Most likely a floater. One way my eye doc put it to me was: its a problem if you wave your hand in front of your face and it just disappears. Those are the kind of black spots that you need to watch out for. Its almost like your vision just totally blocks out. little grey spots aren't really a cause for concern. Another vision issue is sever double vision especially if accompanied by a sever headache.

23-03-17, 20:26
I have little spots that float in my eyes too, ranging from a darker transparent color to white little lights. They are commonly called floaters, its when little pieces of debri blocks the light in the back off your eye. Its totally harmless, however if it is affecting your vision, or does not go away after a short time i would see a eye doctor to make sure nothing has came unattached in the back of the eye as this happened with my gf but it also caused her to have a lazy eye before she had surgery.

24-03-17, 09:53
Thanks for replying.
I was feeling a little better last night about it but this morning I noticed it in both eyes. Didn't matter if I closed my right or left eye, I could see it in both.
That's really freaking me out now. I'm going for a routine eye test next tuesday. Does anyone know what exactly those tests involve? In other words, if I do get the all clear on Tuesday, can I be happy that there is nothing wrong? Or could it be something to do with my brain or nerves? I'm so scared right now. Do routine eye tests pick up on most things, even if you have to be tested further for something that they picked up on but are not sure what it is?

24-03-17, 15:58
They will be able to tell from your eye exam so wouldn't think you would have to wait. You might even find it is a symptom of anxiety. I was very stressed / anxious the other night & got the strangest flickering in both eyes, then just one. It started Tha I couldn't read, like there was a hole in my vision but its been fine since. Strange! xx

24-03-17, 21:19
Hi I've had those in the mornings too I think. Do you have any lights on the your room when you wake up? Any open curtains or anything?