View Full Version : Lightheadedness when reading something stressful or having stressful thoughts

23-03-17, 12:37
Seems like I've had this for years but i get a split second moment of lightheadedness when i read or think about something stressful, its gotten worse recently as I think more and more of it to the point where I almost had a full blown panic attack yesterday, (these have made me have panic attacks before). Anyone else get these?

25-03-17, 17:42
I'm experiencing something similar. Not when I read something that makes me anxious just when I read in general or occasionally when I'm stood still in a queue. I think it may be my eyes but I'm scared to get them checked as I've had headaches on and off for the past few years so I'm worried they might find something sinister. I have no other neurological issues and it literally lasts a split second. Almost like my eyes need to focus. I've had cold after cold and been on several flights in 5 months so I thought it was my sinus. I've not had cold symptoms for about 6 weeks now so I'm really not sure.

27-03-17, 14:32
My nose has been stuffy but I don't think that's a factor for me

Catherine S
27-03-17, 14:49
When we're stressed or anxious our normal breathing becomes altered and we then breathe a little quicker which leads to over-breathing, and this would induce the lightheadedness. Paradoxically, when we do deep breathing exercises this can also produce lightheadedness. It's all about the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. Many years ago, doctors would recommend breathing into a paper bag to restore the balance. It worked too!


27-03-17, 15:10
Yea I've been told that and i try to tell myself its fine, I actually didnt have that feeling yesterday,

28-03-17, 06:10
Have you had a brain injury recently? I had a very mild concussion from a bump on the head the other week and anything stressful made me feel like I was gonna pass out (not good when you have GAD, lol).

If not, it's still pretty common to feel lightheaded/dizzy when stressed. Make sure you're breathing properly, as sometimes our bodies hyperventilate slightly without us even noticing. It's a pretty common symptom though, so you'll be fine :)