View Full Version : Petechiae?

23-03-17, 15:27
I am new here. I read all the post regarding petechiae. But I am still worried about my one! I went to GP and show it to her. She said it might look like petechiae but is so so so tiny. Anyway blood test came fine. 2 weeks ago.

I also went abroad for a quick check 4 weeks ago, because I thought I was having a stomach cancer. I all started when I came home from hospital where my baby was ill.

After that I was not in myself. I had two course of antibiotics for sinus. And then everything went wrong... Massive stomach pain, nausea, chills, and then I first time saw these tiny dots. Anyway all the checks (endoscopy, other blood tests and some other came fine)

But I am still having this petechiae and I can see them more and more... So worried... As I am not feeling myself anymore :weep:

23-03-17, 19:37

I completely get your fears, last year I went into the walk in centre after I had a viral infection and these same dots appeared! Of course I thought the worst but I ended up being absolutely fine. As of late I got sick again (not as bad luckily) and these dots appeared again. I seem to get them when I'm sick and I think it is down to the pressure under my skin when I get a fever or when I strain. Don't worry, this sounds like something that will go in no time. Try not to keep checking. All your tests came back normal, if there was something seriously wrong then the tests would've picked it up straight the way. Take care xx

24-03-17, 02:55
I thought for sure I had cancer when I saw little red dots on my arm, turns out they are cherry angioma which are harmless.

24-03-17, 09:03
I am new here. I read all the post regarding petechiae. But I am still worried about my one! I went to GP and show it to her. She said it might look like petechiae but is so so so tiny. Anyway blood test came fine. 2 weeks ago.

I also went abroad for a quick check 4 weeks ago, because I thought I was having a stomach cancer. I all started when I came home from hospital where my baby was ill.

After that I was not in myself. I had two course of antibiotics for sinus. And then everything went wrong... Massive stomach pain, nausea, chills, and then I first time saw these tiny dots. Anyway all the checks (endoscopy, other blood tests and some other came fine)

But I am still having this petechiae and I can see them more and more... So worried... As I am not feeling myself anymore :weep:

Hey. There are a number of benign conditions that can cause stomach pain. Most of them are short term. If it's long term, it more likely to be something along the lines of an ulcer, an autoimmune condition, or h pylori. If your doctor says you're fine, but from what I can gather, these "petechiae" are probably totally unrelated to whatever is going on with your body. I've had red spots on my arm since I was a teenager, and while I'm learning that I may have been suffering from celiac disease, ive had two blood tests to show that my body is fine. There's a good chance that nothing is wrong with you, and even if there was something going on, it probably isn't a big deal. Even dr google couldn't find anything wrong by searching "petechiae".

Take care of yourself and don't freak out.

24-03-17, 11:25
Oh thank you for your messages!

I had endoscopy for stomach pain and they couldnt find anything wrong, except a little red stomach lining, which they said should go away. And h pylori was negative as well.

I got few tiny cherry angiomas and I not worry about the at all.

But those tiny tiny tiny red dots under the skin is something else. I know i did not have them before...

I wish I could show a picture of how they look.

To be honest dr google shows just bad things when I write a petechiae in searh box.

24-03-17, 15:48
Hi, there are alot of older posts about dots that sound similar to yours on nmp. Might be helpful to read them. I have them too but you can barely see them, at one point I was getting a headache looking. I haven't gone to doc but they would need a magnifying glass prob lol. I have heard others been told they are nothing to worry about & if all your tests fine then you are ok:) Think anxiety draws attention to the things you normally wouldn't think twice about xx

24-03-17, 16:27
How old is your baby? I develop more and more of the tiny red dots each pregnancy. I have tons (currently 34 weeks). It's funny because they don't bother me at all. I'm too busy obsessing over my heart. I mentioned it in passing to my GP after the birth of my first baby and she just said hormonal fluctuations can cause them xx

24-03-17, 17:46
My baby is 1year and 5 months. So not such a little baby :ohmy:

I dont know why, but somehow I do not want to believe what they are saying :shrug: Maybe it is because I am still feeling poorly and have other symptoms:shrug:

I also double checked my bloods and the one is slightly out of normal zone
Serum total protein 66 g/L Abnormal result

When I asked her she said it ok. I should be worried if it would be to high, but then I went online to my medical book and it shows as abnormal result :lac:

Totally confused

I already check all previous post about petechiae

24-03-17, 19:03
You might have already but look at the ones tagged pinpricks, dots, words like that. Might help xx