View Full Version : New here and fattyliver

23-03-17, 16:04
I'm new here and a 39-year old female from Denmark. I'm not that good at english, so please bear with me. I have suffred from health anxiety since I was 18 years old. Sinde july last year I have been trapped in my anxiety, and I can't seem to find my way back to life again. I have had and still has many of the symptoms I can read in other posts such as muscle twitch, headache, back pain, dizzines, nauseous, stomach pain, insomnia, fatigue, itchy scalp and many more.
Within a year I have made a lot of medical test and scans. A MR1 of my brain in early october, a gastroscopy of my stomach and easophagus in november, a colonoscopy of my entire colon a year ago, ultrasound of my liver, stomach, kidneys and pancreas in early december, X-ray of my back and lots of blood tests..

So far nothing serious has been detected. Or what...

In 2003 I was diagnosed with a fatty liver. It was a liver biopsi that gave the answer. I don't drink alchohol, and didn't back then. Since the diagnosis I have been around the hospital once a year for bloodwork and chekup. Everything has always been fine exept somre raised liver enzyms in the blood, witch is commen and normal when you have a fatty liver. My doctor has always said to me, that my type of fatty liver (non alchoholic) rarely develops into something more serious like cirrhosis.

But in the last month I have experienced somre sympthoms that scares me to death. I'm tired, nauseous, lost some of my appetit, digestive problems, pain in the liver area and just stomach pain in general. I had some blood tests done 3 days ago who showed a little raised liver enzym. ALAT was 47 (normal area 10-45) and my bilirubin was 84 (normal area 10-25). I have Gilberts syndrome that sometimes causes raised bilirubin. All other tests were fine.

My doctor isn't worried at all. She is a hepatologist and says that my ultrasound of my liver in november showed fatty liver and not any cirrhosis. But I'm not calm. I'm scared and convinced that my symptoms is due to my liver and it's because it's in a very bad shape.

Does any of you at NMP suffers from fattyliver? And what have your doctor told you about the risks of having a fatty liver? As you can see I don't trust my doctor.... Embaressed to say. I don't know if it's safe to trust her. What do you think? I'm so afraid that I'm seriously ill...

Sorry for the long post :huh:

09-07-17, 20:45
I have just read your post. I hope you don't mind me sending a PM? I have just been told that I have a fatty liver after an ultrasound following raised Alkaline Phosphsate levels. I am terrified as I am now nauseus and so tired all the time. How are you now? Was you AP raised at all?

---------- Post added at 20:45 ---------- Previous post was at 18:30 ----------

I have posted in the last couple of hours. I have had bloodtests where my alkaline phosphosate liver enzyme was raised. I was freaked out. the next test had gone down a little but the last one is back up to 164 ( normal range 20 - 120) Abdominal scan showed a slight fatty liver. Have to have another test in 4 weeks. Am in melt down. Am feeling nauseous and extremely tired and very very scared

10-12-17, 19:26
I had an ultrasound on my gallbladder which was fine but i recieved a call from my Dr 2 days later saying my gallbladder was fine but there was some unusual texturing on my liver, my liver bloods were fine back in Sep but just like you im absolutely terrified as hes sending me for more tests at a gastro specialist, he wouldnt tell me what tests he would do or how serious this is, and ive gone into complete melt down, im eating next to nothing worrying im making it worse and have to book back in for bloods, so worried its cirrhosis or cancer, i barely ever drink but my BMI is classed as obese xx

14-12-17, 19:44
Hello, I also have been diagnosed with fatty liver. I was very scared, but my general doctor told me not to worry. I went to a gastro, and a liver specialist, who ran lots and lots of test. The fatty liver shows on my ultrasound, but my bloodwork is not bad. Once again, the doctors have calmed my fears. My test for cirrhosis was negative. I have a few tips on what they have advised me to do if you have questions.

14-12-17, 22:58

I'm not sure about in Europe, but here in the States, lots of people - young people and children even, are being diagnosed with fatty liver due to their diet. Once they make changes in their diet, it goes away. Just a thought.