View Full Version : Hard Immovable Lump on Side of Neck

23-03-17, 16:33
Hi all,

Just wanted to vent a little :)

About a month ago I felt a hard lump under my neck (it's at the back but on the left side).

It's completely unmoveable, doesn't hurt and is hard.

It seems to change in size from day to day and I don't suffer from any of the other warning signs (night sweats, weight loss etc).

My doctor felt it and couldn't be sure what it was so referred me for an ultrasound which is on the 05th April.

I'm still really worried, it's not a great thing to google a "hard immovable lump on neck" nearly every result comes back as cancer.

Anyway, I'd like to know if anyone else has had something similar (I did a search but a lot of people don't say how they ended up getting on after tests).

Take care,


23-03-17, 20:06
Hey dude... I'm going through a similar ordeal at the moment, and also have an ultrasound appointment booked for tomorrow.

I have two, hard and immovable lymph nodes down the left side of my neck; and one on my right. So three altogether, without any sign of an infection or illness - to summon them from their hiding.
I first noticed them 3 months ago, and since then they have gotten bigger and changed shape; but do not seem as hard – apart from one that is still rock solid.

These lumps have worried me greatly since reading on google its diagnosis for nodes that have these characteristics. However, the doctors I have seen do not seem been bothered by them. (which should be reassuring.)

I hope this helps to know that someone else has similar lumps, I am only 24 and I think that is a reason why the doctors have been how they are.

23-03-17, 20:32
Hey Worrel,

I'm only 26 so I'm in pretty much the same boat, although I only have the one I can feel.
The doctor I saw didn't seem worried at all but said better be safe than sorry and that they can usually tell from the ultrasound. He did say that sometimes nodes will just raise, i do suffer from allergies perhaps it's caused it to raise, I'm not sure.

Please let me know how you get on, I'm really interested to hear how you do.

Here if you need to talk mate,


23-03-17, 20:42
I was Going Through The Same Worries Last year. I had A Hard Immovable lymph node on the back of my neck and it Caused me a great deal of worry last year I had to stop googling because all I saw was Bad News. My Doctor examined It and said it was a normal node but my anxiety was telling me it was something sinister. But in Reality Lots Of People have hard immovable lymph nodes I've seen tons of post on here where people had the same and it turned out to be nothing. As Of Today today the Node that Caused Me A lot of Trouble has Reduced in size and i can barely feel it now. I Found Out Constantly Touching The lymph node Will Make it Swell More. Try Not to touch them for a few days you will see a difference.

23-03-17, 20:45
Yeah mate I will keep you updated.. I've read that sometimes the ultrasound operator will hint that they look benign, but I will still have to wait a week, or so, for the results; and an appointment with the ENT.

Your doctor would have been able to tell if your lump was a lymph node, so since he does not know, maybe we are not in the same boat after all. Even so, my best wishes go out to you. Stay away from Google, it has done me more harm than good the last 3 months!

23-03-17, 20:47
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

23-03-17, 21:13
Yeah mate I will keep you updated.. I've read that sometimes the ultrasound operator will hint that they look benign, but I will still have to wait a week, or so, for the results; and an appointment with the ENT.

Your doctor would have been able to tell if your lump was a lymph node, so since he does not know, maybe we are not in the same boat after all. Even so, my best wishes go out to you. Stay away from Google, it has done me more harm than good the last 3 months!

Hey mate, sorry - just to clarify, he did say that it was a lymph node.

Positive thoughts though for sure, the chances of it being cancer are really slim.

---------- Post added at 21:13 ---------- Previous post was at 21:12 ----------

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

Thanks Fishmanpa, I really appreciate your positive thoughts.

24-03-17, 19:03
Had my ultrasound today with a doctor who said straight away that they are all benign.

So good news, brother, hope all is well!

24-03-17, 19:09
Fantastic, I'm really chuffed for you!

My appointment is on the 05th April so I'll let you know how I get on.

Take care,


26-03-17, 14:30
Fantastic, I'm really chuffed for you!

My appointment is on the 05th April so I'll let you know how I get on.

Take care,


I have an ENT appointment on the 30th of march for a lump in my neck (right side). I'll be happy to give you some mutual support because I understand what you are going through :noangel:

---------- Post added at 13:30 ---------- Previous post was at 13:29 ----------

Had my ultrasound today with a doctor who said straight away that they are all benign.

So good news, brother, hope all is well!

Everytime I read something like this it really makes me feel so happy for the person. :hugs:

05-04-17, 20:53
Hey all,

So I had the ultrasound today. She checked my entire neck including the hard lump and told me that everything looked normal.

The hard lymph node measures 4mm but she said the shape is fine and nothing is growing on it.

Will visit the doctor in 1 week to get the full results but she said that there was nothing to worry about.

Hope you're both doing well,


06-04-17, 22:10
4mm is TINYYYYY!

Good to hear!

I have an ultrasound 25th of April. Ugh :( Hope it goes well. Mine feels larger than 4mm though :blush:

07-04-17, 09:48
I got hard immovable lumps at the base of head, near the neck when I was around 19 or so. There wasn't one, maybe 3 or 4. At that time I had zero health anxiety and just mentioned it casually to my dad who asked my doctor uncle who was nearby to look at it, He didn't seem concerned, we did nothing, and it just went away on it's own. I don't even know how long it took to go away, but it was 20 years ago so it didn't develop into anything. Today, if had that symptom, with all the information out there to google, I would be petrified.

21-04-17, 21:39
So just an update...

I had to have a blood test recently as my blood pressure has been pretty high recently. Was told that I probably wouldn't hear a call back unless they saw something in the blood test.

Got a call the next day saying that I need to have a repeat blood test.

Apparently my test results showed that my white blood count was slightly raised. As expected, any combination in google of "hard lymph node" and "raised white blood count" comes with some form of lymphoma so my anxiety is back in full swing!

Hopefully just my body fighting off some infection (i have got gum disease at the moment) but it's still quite worrrying...


24-04-17, 02:27
Hey James
I have had a small, invisible lymph node just below my ear for about 2 years. I got a blood test when I first found it and my wbc was a touch high. Of course lymphoma is the only cause when I google my symptoms, so I panicked heaps because i wasn't sick. My doctor ordered a repeat 1 month later. The lymph node still didn't go but my wbc were back to normal. My doctor also said that it is normal for there to be a normal, non tender gland that's palpable. Apparently (I can't feel it) there is also one on the other side which is tucked away at the back of a muscle in my neck.
2 years later, the node is still there, hasn't changed size and I'm perfectly fine :)

24-04-17, 02:46
Slight WBC elevation doesn't mean much. It happens all the time when fighting off a bug or some infection, and sometimes you don't even realize your body is fighting off something. Hope to hear you post soon that your results have come back all clear.

30-04-17, 14:09
Thanks everyone!

I appreciate your thoughts and help.

My repeat blood test is on Tuesday so will let you all know.

30-04-17, 18:10
2 hard immovable lumps on the back of my neck in my hair line one is smaller than the other and they sit right by each other. They feel similar to the one under my chin directly in the middle but the one is larger. I have been told they are nothing to worry about but I'm freaking out. Stupid Google. In your guys experience did messing with them cause them to be bigger? I've messed with mine so much the area is red! Glad ultrasounds came back normal! I was told an ultrasound wasn't needed for mine but I think I want one. CBC came back normal but still.

---------- Post added at 17:10 ---------- Previous post was at 13:49 ----------

Did messing with your nodes make them even bigger by chance? Did they seem to go down after leaving them alone for awhile?

30-04-17, 22:35

01-05-17, 02:49

You have a thread of you own on this and I know you know the answer to that question if you've been reading my replies ;)

Positive thoughts

01-05-17, 03:42
Ugh!! You are right!!!!

15-05-17, 20:23
Hi all,

So i wanted to update you...

My first full blood test came back as slightly raised white blood count and slightly lowered red blood count.

I had a repeat blood test 2 weeks later and all tests came back okay.

The ultrasound on the lump on my neck came back as a "reactive lymph node".

I saw my doctor last week and he thinks that it's nothing to worry about and to book an appointment if it grows a lot bigger.

At the moment it grows bigger than small every few days.

Since then at night time I've been getting very itchy arms and feet. I googled it and yup, you guessed it... It's a symptom of Lymphoma.

I'm now back to be being really worried again!


15-05-17, 20:33
Stop poking and prodding! Doing so will irritate and cause it to swell.

Positive thoughts

16-05-17, 19:50
Stop poking and prodding! Doing so will irritate and cause it to swell.

Positive thoughts

I'm definitely not poking my neck as much anymore but I can still feel the lump.

Interestingly my Doctor said the fact that my lymph node gets bigger and small is a good sign that it's just an infection, but I've also read that lymphoma can cause this too. I've also read that ultrasounds are terrible at diagnosing lymphoma which makes me more worried.

Not to mention now I've started itching all over at night, but especially my legs and feet... It's like the classic symptoms of lymphoma!

16-05-17, 21:23
It's like the classic symptoms of lymphoma!

How do you know what the classic symptoms of lymphoma are?

20-05-17, 18:47
Just from what I've been googling Nancy

20-05-17, 19:10
I've had one on both sides on the back of my neck for months now. Never payed attention to it, but it might worth mentioning to my doctor.
I have many more symptoms though, itching included.

20-05-17, 21:11
Just from what I've been googling Nancy

I figured. :-( Nothing good comes from googling, don't you agree?

We've got to stay strong and keep away from it.


23-05-17, 06:55
I figured. :-( Nothing good comes from googling, don't you agree?

We've got to stay strong and keep away from it.


I do totally agree, Nancy!

After I had the last appointment with my doctor I felt so relieved and like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. But since then I did the dreaded Google and since then I've read that blood tests and ultrasounds are supposedly bad to diagnose lymphoma. Lots of people on a Lymphoma forum have posted that their tests came back normal too.

Now I'm back to worrying again, but don't want to keep on bother my doctor.... :weep:

23-05-17, 12:15
Lots of people on a Lymphoma forum have posted that their tests came back normal too.

What are you doing going to and posting there?! Please do not read or post there and show the people really suffering from the disease some respect!

Positive thoughts

23-09-17, 20:21
Any update?