View Full Version : Red spots on arms that look like mosquito bites?

23-03-17, 19:23
I'm extremely terrified that I may have leukemia
Or something similar
All due to the fact that today I noticed that I have quite a lot of spots that look a lot like mosquito bites in my arms, mostly my left arm
I think some of these spots MIGHT ACTUALLY BE mosquito bites, but definetly not all of them. Also I think they don't itch
Then again I've had mosquito bited that didnt itch in the past
Do I have leukemia or something like that?
Pleade help I'm literally dying from fear... My day was ruined today because of this

23-03-17, 20:59
What do they look like, how big are they? If some of them are mosquito bites, is it not possible that they all could be?

Try not to think the very worse, I know it's hard. I didn't even know that was a symptom of leukemia tbh. Do you have any pets, could they be flea bites?!

23-03-17, 21:19
I have keratosis pilaris on my arms that could be mistaken for bites.

24-03-17, 01:03
I have gone through this exact same fear. I noticed these little bright red spots on my arm. After consulting Dr google I was convinced I had blood cancer. My Dr looked at my arm for a minute , smiled at me and said it was cherry angioma. There are so many non serious things that can go on with outer skin . I'm sure a quick visit to your Dr will put your mind at ease.

24-03-17, 01:27
I woke up with a line of like 12 mysterious bites. My immediate reaction was bed bugs, lol.

Look, our brains are latching on to the closest horror show they can find. In your case, that's cancer, in mine the bugs.

We both need to give it a week or two to see if the bumps go away, as they probably will, because they are probably just bites of some kind. Try not to turn something totally mundane into catastrophe. :winks:

24-03-17, 01:45
No offense meant but check your home for bed bugs. They are at epidemic levels these days.

24-03-17, 03:13
No offense meant but check your home for bed bugs. They are at epidemic levels these days.

I don't think its bed bugs b/c it has been a few days and I haven't gotten any more bites. And I also don't see any bugs anywhere.