View Full Version : Your symptoms

23-03-17, 20:47
I know there is a LOT of information already online about what the symptoms of anxiety are. I just wanted to hear from other people what you have personally experienced that you believe to be anxiety related.

I won't even put any suggestions as don't want to put words in people's mouths, and won't say what mine are unless anyone wants to know.

I would be so grateful if anyone could reply as I think it might help me somehow

---------- Post added at 20:47 ---------- Previous post was at 20:46 ----------

Oh meant to say, they could be physical or emotional.

23-03-17, 21:15
Dizziness, nausea, I get bouts of vertigo. Heart palpitations (I have pvcs as well). Have to pee every 5 mins, irritable bowl, feels like someone sitting on my chest. I don't get them all at the same time every time. They always start after a feeling or sense of dread.

23-03-17, 22:14
Light headedness, twitching lips/eyes, numbness/tingling down left arm and hands, cold sensation down left arm, lower back pain, fatigue, inability to concentrate/distraction, diarrhea.

23-03-17, 22:26
In the time I've been on the boards I've seen someone post one or many of these SYMPTOMS (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) and then some.

Positive thoughts

23-03-17, 22:26
Bad breathing, dizziness, nausea, tension, random shooting pains, fatigue, headaches, etc.

23-03-17, 22:43
Thank you all so much. I really appreciate it, I see some (actually a lot) of them in myself too. I'm having such a hard time tonight it's never been this bad anxiety-wise.

23-03-17, 22:47
Breathlessness, tight chest, pains in chest and back, heart beating fast, heat in face, head and ears. Sweaty hands, dry mouth, tight arms and legs or basically everywhere.

Don't think I've missed anything out but if I have I'll be back lol!:whistles::whistles::whistles:

23-03-17, 23:12
Just my opinion... I understand there's solace in knowing you're not alone but a post like this just makes sufferers think about and focus on their symptoms. Why not ask a more positive question like "What techniques do you use to help you not think about your symptoms?"

Positive thoughts

23-03-17, 23:15
Insomnia, racing heart, left arm pain, chest pain, chest tightness, palps, dizziness, nausea, cold sweat, shaking, breathlessness, tingling in face and jaw, tense muscles.

23-03-17, 23:33
Just my opinion... I understand there's solace in knowing you're not alone but a post like this just makes sufferers think about and focus on their symptoms. Why not ask a more positive question like "What techniques do you use to help you not think about your symptoms?"

Positive thoughts

You're right, and I'm sorry if I've made anyone worry about their symptoms, that wasn't my intention at all.

I asked because sometimes I'll feel or think something and people just dismiss me and say "Oh it's just anxiety" and I wondered whether others had experienced similar things I had. But yes, I can see how that can be a bad idea as it just makes us focus on them more!

So...what techniques do people use to help?

---------- Post added at 23:33 ---------- Previous post was at 23:32 ----------

Insomnia, racing heart, left arm pain, chest pain, chest tightness, palps, dizziness, nausea, cold sweat, shaking, breathlessness, tingling in face and jaw, tense muscles.

Wow yes to all of those. It's hard isn't it. I think anyone who deals with anxiety is so incredibly strong and courageous.

24-03-17, 00:06
insomnia, dizziness, head pressure. Those are the top ones probably. Never really have nausea. Sometimes i get a pins and needles sensation but only during a panic attack. Generally feeling " out of it" like I'm in a dream or just not all there.

---------- Post added at 00:00 ---------- Previous post was at 00:00 ----------

Also I have a very tight jaw and neck tension. I hold most of my tension in my face, neck, and jaw which can cause tension headaches

---------- Post added at 00:06 ---------- Previous post was at 00:00 ----------

actually Fishmanpa, I think that knowing other people's symptoms could somehow be comforting. Theres just a sense of knowing you aren't alone and what you're feeling isn't weird or abnormal. I mean if you think about health anxiety, its really a bout of feeling like what you're feeling is dangerous or life threatening. When you find out that other people are experiencing the same things as you, it could alleviate some of those feelings even if for just a little while.

Just my two cents :yesyes:

24-03-17, 00:17
actually Fishmanpa, I think that knowing other people's symptoms could somehow be comforting. Theres just a sense of knowing you aren't alone and what you're feeling isn't weird or abnormal. I mean if you think about health anxiety, its really a bout of feeling like what you're feeling is dangerous or life threatening. When you find out that other people are experiencing the same things as you, it could alleviate some of those feelings even if for just a little while.

Just my two cents :yesyes:

One look at the board and you have every symptom in the book and then some. Again, why focus on your symptoms? Why not focus on how to overcome them? Positive conversation instead of negative conversation. What's more productive?

"Positive thoughts"

24-03-17, 00:21
I apologise and can get the thread deleted maybe? :(

24-03-17, 00:41

Again, I get what you're saying and am definitely not trying to start an argument just putting out there that some people might find it therapeutic to list their symptoms. Ive only been on this board a little over a month and have viewed a decent amount of posts and do see that people share the same similarities as me. There are a lot of positive posts on here that I believe helps people with their anxiety. I for one, did not know that anxiety came with so many physical symptoms. So when I saw that dizziness, for example, was a common symptom I did feel a little bit better because it got rid of that "Theres something chronically wrong with me" feeling. I agree with what you're saying about positive talk, but unfortunately just focusing on positive thoughts alone often does not help as much as one would think.

Again, not being an ass. Just putting out my two cents :D

24-03-17, 00:49
Several years reading, replying and trying to help. Pages and pages of "Share your symptoms posts", 20-1 against "Share your ways to overcome symptoms" posts. Agree to disagree JR...

Positive thoughts

24-03-17, 00:53
I agree with you Jack, although I really hate the thought that I might have upset anyone or triggered them at all. The thing is, when you're right in the midst of anxiety, positivity can only take you so far. In my experience anyway. I've tried to talk to drs, psychiatrists, family and friends and sometimes I just wish they'd ask me what I'm actually feeling and listen without interrupting, and let me say some of the ridiculous things going through my mind!
I sometimes wonder if doing that would help disperse some of the fear, by talking about it in a matter of fact way.

The truth is, I can't seem to be positive when feeling like this, so instead I thought it might help to see if other people feel the same things I do. In hindsight I can see that might be counterproductive, and I genuinely am sorry if I've annoyed anyone.

---------- Post added at 00:53 ---------- Previous post was at 00:51 ----------

Several years reading, replying and trying to help. Pages and pages of "Share your symptoms posts", 20-1 against "Share your ways to overcome symptoms" posts. Agree to disagree JR...

Positive thoughts

I can see how it would be frustrating Fishman, that is the nature of anxiety, it causes all of us - those suffering and those trying to help - to metaphorically tear our hair out.

24-03-17, 01:00
I can see how it would be frustrating Fishman, that is the nature of anxiety, it causes all of us - those suffering and those trying to help - to metaphorically tear our hair out.

Maybe that's why I'm bald? :D

Positive thoughts

24-03-17, 01:03
You might be onto something there :roflmao:

I did notice at my CBT sessions in the past that both the patients waiting and the therapists all had suspiciously short hair/wigs/bald heads!...

24-03-17, 18:42
At the moment it's feeling full, belching and heartburn. I've gotten myself into such a tizzy it's difficult to eat as I'm super paranoid.

24-03-17, 18:49
Short of breath, dizzy, racing heart, skipped beats, tingling scalp, numbness in limbs, urinary urgency, diarrhea. Oh and actually yelling "I don't want to die!" in the middle of a panic attack :wacko:

26-03-17, 23:01
Don't apologise crystal your free to post what and whenever you like

---------- Post added at 23:01 ---------- Previous post was at 22:58 ----------

Ps I've had chest pain tearing or sharp in the middle or left side I've had irritable bowels jaw pain arm pain arm tingling there's just literally too many too mention it's nice to hear what other people experience rather than some random page on google definitely ��

27-03-17, 07:57
First I got palpitations, increased heart rate and insomnia. Then I got dizziness, constant hunger and general weakness. I dealt with burning sensations in my thighs and above my chest, cervical pain, different kinds of short-lived aches in arms and legs. Now I mostly deal with numbness and tingling (especially at night) in fingers, toes and sometimes half of my left leg, frequent urination and a feeling of weakness in my right leg, muscle twitches. I also get strange feelings like I am not well but do not know what bothers me.