View Full Version : Cabin fever and melanoma worry starts again

24-03-17, 00:12
Last year had a very very bad bout of health anxiety. Tons of moles and developed a huge fear of melanoma. I had a mole removed from my leg which originally started my anxiety. It was diagnosed as a traumatized spitz Nevus. These moles are oddities and sometimes are hard to tell apart from melanoma under the micro scope. I had it out in February last year and the margins were clear. Spoke to the dermatopathologist because I was that worried about it and he told me to his trained eyes with 30 years of experience it was a traumatized spitz and not melanoma.

Spring came around and i started getting back outside and playing so much golf and baseball in my spare time I killed my anxiety. Until these last two weeks... we had a massive blizzard and I come home from work and have nowhere to go. I've started reading internet stories about people who have had these diagnosed and several years later get a swollen lymph node and it turned out they had melanoma and now im starting to fear that will happen with me. I can feel the anxiety and gloom starting again !

24-03-17, 20:16
Oh its difficult when worry sets in & your feeling trapped with it. We all fall into the trap at some point of googling & I don't even know why but then end up terrifying ourselves:( I can imagine it would have been very worrying for you last year but try to take comfort from the fact it was a very experienced dermatologist you saw then & he would know exactly what he was looking for. Hope you feel better soon xx