View Full Version : introduce myself

25-04-07, 20:59
Hi, I'm 37 and have had panic atacks since I was 18. Apart from visiting family I haven't socialised with anyone in 2 years. It's so horrible. I feel so isolated. I've tried hypnotherapy, CBT and EFT. They have all helped with my panic attacks but nothing seems to work with my social phobia. Not sure I can get myself out of this situation as, if I'm honest, I have no-one to talk to and no friends left as they basically gave up on me because I couldn't join them when they went out.

25-04-07, 21:03
Hiya Bunty

Welcome to the site I am sure you will find it a help to you, and you will find lots of great advice here :)


25-04-07, 21:14
Hi Bunty

And Welcome to NMP, its lovely too see you here im sure you will get some great advice while making new friends on the way.:)


25-04-07, 21:32
Hi Bunty,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

25-04-07, 22:10

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get loads of support and advice on here.

25-04-07, 22:13

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

25-04-07, 22:15
Hello Bunty! Big :welcome:to you!

Please don't feel isolated here.

There is always someone you can talk to and I'm sure you'll make many friends!

No one gives up on anyone here. :flowers:

Pink Princess
25-04-07, 23:55
hi, welcome to the site, you will find you are definatly not alone here and you will get a lot of advice and support and make many friends. take kare xxx

26-04-07, 10:31
Welcome to the site Bunty. :D

Piglet :flowers:

26-04-07, 12:15
hi Bunty and a big warm welcome

love sandy xxx

26-04-07, 13:12
welcome to the site, i am sure you will get plenty support and make many friends on the site.
welcome to no more panic.

26-04-07, 14:32
Hi Bunty, you have made friends already... chat here anytime you need a helping hand. :flowers:

Dave x

26-04-07, 19:59
A big thankyou to the people who have left messages. I didn't think anyone would...
I need advice on where I can go by myself to meet people. I think it's impossible. To sit and have a giggle with someone would be wonderful.
I'm also desperate to get my hair cut but panic everytime I try to get myself in the hairdressers. I had a wonderful hairdresser that would come to my home but last time she visited I had a really bad dizzy spell and just can't face her at the moment.

26-04-07, 20:08

Don't know if this will help but I have a woman that comes here to do my hair.

Mainly cos I have it coloured so it takes a lot of sitting around and secondly cos it is so much cheaper.

I explained to her that I suffer panic/anxiety so may have to stop at some point and take a break from it.

She was very understanding.

I, at least, felt better being in my own home having it done than in a salon.

27-04-07, 01:41
Hi Bunty,

Welcome to NMP. You will have many people on here who will understand exactly what you are going through and will make many friends and can give advice. There is even a thread for social phobia, please take a look. Chat is also a great place to make friends.
