View Full Version : burning prickly skin and panic attacks

25-03-17, 01:53
hi everybody

hope someones awake. Had three panic attacks in a row lasting about 45 mins each. My prickly skin was getting better until tonight. Felt on edge all day. Noticed my skin was getting worse again got myself into a real state about it again. Went to bed my feet were tingling as well as my prickly skin fell asleep woke up with pins and needles. Major panic attack then my skin started to really burn all down my arms and across my back so painful as I calmed down the burning is ok but my skin fells sore and prickly all over again I'm back to square one. Clothes on feel like I'm wearing a wooly prickly jumper. Please reply if you have any any of these symptoms. perhaps I can then get some sleep.


25-03-17, 02:35
I get this all the time! Once I thought I was breaking out into rashes or hives or something after a long period of panic. Turned out to be nothing at all and disappeared after some time. I believe the prickly feeling has something to do with blood rushing to your extremities or something.