View Full Version : Eye floaters?

25-03-17, 04:06
I was outside today, normal bright day after it rained and was squinting and saw these clear little worm things that went away. Happened again 5 seconds later. Then I went inside and it was fine.

I found exactly what they look like on google and determined they are floaters. Of course I read that it can be a sign of retinal detachment and now I'm freaking out because my eye has finally just healed from a corneal abrasion turned ulcer and I don't want to harm my vision. If it was something serious I'd assume it would be more constant not just happen this morning from squinting and then be fine? Is it worth a check from an eye doctor?

25-03-17, 06:55
I have little worm like floaters in addition to spots. My eye specialist told me that floaters come in different shapes. Still if you are concerned it wouldn't hurt to mention them to your doctor next time you are there.

25-03-17, 18:23
Most of my life I've noticed those clear little worms when lying on my back looking at the clear sky. They've never bothered me.

26-03-17, 00:07
I have them too. They bug me but it's normal to have a couple. Try not to focus on it. Only be concerned if you get a bunch over a short period and or have flashes of light in the corner of your eyes, as this can be a sign of a retinal detachment. It's very fixable so don't stress. Feel better.

26-03-17, 04:25
Yeah they are pretty common. So common Stewie Griffin once wrote a poem about them:
Oh squiggly line in my eye fluid.
I see you lurking there on the periphery of my vision.
But when I try to look at you, you scurry away.
Are you shy, squiggly line?
Why only when I ignore you, do you return to the center of my eye?
Oh, squiggly line, it’s alright, you are forgiven.

26-03-17, 19:42
I'll add to what everyone said. Won't hurt to see an eye doctor but unless you get a high numbers of them suddenly they're nothing to worry about. I've had them my entire life, and once you stop worrying about them and start ignoring them, you don't even see them anymore. Only when I remember them and start trying to notice them do I see them anymore, so try to stop worrying about them and they'll "disappear".

26-03-17, 19:44
Yes I've had these for ages. Several opticians have told me they're nothing to worry about.

26-03-17, 23:56
Yes. Told we all get them and nothing to o about them. It is a natural part of getting older. I had a few in right ete and now went away. I have few circles in left eye as well as a couple squiggly ones. Don't worry not harmful.

28-03-17, 05:28
Oh my goodness, why would this be a thing to worry about? Every single person on Earth has floaters. They are perfectly normal especially if you are looking at the sky or a light colored wall