View Full Version : Trip away

25-03-17, 10:26
Hi guys!

So I thought I'd share a recent success with you all.

I have panic disorder with agoraphobic and social anxiety tendencies, I've never been housebound but being far away from home and social situations make me very anxious.

I've just got back from a five day trip to centre parcs in Sherwood Forest! It was about an hour and a half car ride to get there, before the trip I hadn't been in a car since September 2016. After an anxious morning I managed to get to centre parcs for an extended family holiday, there were 15 of us in total which is a huge deal for me but I got on fine, I even went into shops and bought things and on the final night I amazed myself by going for a drink in the bar with my husband!

If I can do it then so can others. You're so much stronger than you think you are.

Of course parts of the trip were a challenge but I took a little more propranolol than I usually would and made sure that I did things on my own terms, for example I wasn't ready to have a huge family meal in a restaurant and I accepted that and took some time to myself.

Overall I had a great trip and the look of happiness on my husband and children's faces because I was there with them was worth going through the challenging times.

Now I just need to keep it up now I'm home! Xx

26-03-17, 19:06
Well done Marie.

I hope to overcome my Agoraphobia this year. Don't think I'll be going on holiday though.

27-03-17, 17:56
I still have a long way to go but I feel that this was a huge part of that and now I'm home I feel like I've got more confidence to keep going with my exposure. I'm still scared of the same things and places but I just keep saying to myself 'if I can go to centre parcs and do all that then this can't be too hard'

Good luck with your own recovery :D

27-03-17, 18:05
That's great, Marie. The most important thing to do in investing is to start...and that includes investing in one's self. Congratulations! It will get easier and easier if you keep it up. Hang in there.


27-03-17, 21:50

I will definitely be keeping it up, I loved being out of my area with my family and I very much look forward to much more of the same :)