View Full Version : Does anyone find anxiety worse after going to the doctor?

25-03-17, 14:43
Silly question & not sure if just me. I took my son to doctor yesterday as he has had a sorry tummy( has history of constipation) she checked his tummy & said it was constipation the problem & usual if he gets worse, loses weight et go back.
I thought I would feel better having been reassured that thats what the problem is but nooo I found myself worrying that she wasn't thorough enough & missed something, that when she was talking to me she was looking at him thinking theres something wrong but not saying. Surely if she thought there was something more going on or that he looked unwell she wouldnt have sent us away with just laxatives?....I am more worried than ever...dah can't think straight & have lost ability to stop worrying:doh:
Oh man how do you turn this H/A off?

25-03-17, 16:28
Sometimes simply being at the doctor causes me anxiety.
I remember one time years ago when I went for a sore throat.
I was convinced I had tonsil cancer and that as soon as the doctor looked in my mouth, he would diagnose it on the spot, or else send me to a specialist for more tests or something.
So this poor doctor thinks he's seeing a normal young woman with cold symptoms, and instead he finds me a crying, shaking mess, having a panic attack in his office.
I was too embarrassed to tell him what was wrong.
Of course, when he was finally able to look in my throat, there was nothing wrong but a viral infection.
The very act of sitting in a doctor's office is so stressful for me, because i always think they are going to diagnose me with something terrible, even if I'm only in for a minor ailment.

25-03-17, 17:36
At the minute I'm putting off going to the Drs or even an eye test in case they give me bad news. That's what my post was about the other day. I'm too anxious to go to the Drs!

25-03-17, 17:43
I am always anxious when they don't just laugh off the symptoms right away. Then afterwards I dissect and over analyze every single thing that was said until basically the doctor diagnosed me with my worst fears.

25-03-17, 19:46
Thanks for your replies. I do get worked up about going, panic when I'm there & then worry when they say its all ok.
I think I put of going so when I do go its a big ordeal. xx

26-03-17, 17:12
The reason hypochondriacs feel more anxiety when leaving the doctors office is because they have already convinced themselves that they have a certain condition and when the doctor tells them they don't have it they feel like there condition is going undiagnosed. For me ot was my small lymph nodes in my neck, i had 3 doctors look at them, a ultrasound, and complete blood count, i was told they are normal but instead of feeling relieved, i felt more scared because i thought they were missing something. Its a vicious cycle of fear, going from doctor to doctor and no matter what they tell you you're going to diagnose yourself. I have now decided to listen to my doctors, because there's no way to diagnose yourself, and your doctor's see thousands of people so they know when something seems abnormal. I'm going to see my doctor soon to look over my test results, and maybe even set me up with a therapist.

26-03-17, 17:19
I have Health anxiety and I have never, ever felt worse from going to the GP. I have never doubted what the GP says etc. I literally trust him with my life.

26-03-17, 20:59
I have Health anxiety and I have never, ever felt worse from going to the GP. I have never doubted what the GP says etc. I literally trust him with my life.

This is how it is with me as well. There are different types of HA with different triggers and ways to get relief. Talk to a therapist to find ways to manage your specific needs.

27-03-17, 03:20
I also have the type of HA which makes me terrified of going to the doctor . Always so scared they will find something. Even when I am there for a routine check up . I am nervous for days before an appt.

27-03-17, 04:46
Not necessarily. I'm usually relieved there. Especially after tests are done and they show that nothing is wrong with me physically. Although recently I've been skeptical because the symptoms either feel new, different, stronger, and/or unfamiliar. And the tests that I was concerned the most about came out clear. But now I've been thinking that it's been months since I got those results and it's hard not to resort to thinking that something is really wrong with me. That's how I feel right now.