View Full Version : Ghosts / paranormal anxiety

25-03-17, 17:13
So I'm absolutely obsessed that my house / me is being haunted by a spirit .. I can't sleeep anything. Basically moved into the house 9 months ago and it's been fine but then little things happened like my sons wardrobe door was open when I thought I closed it (obviously I may of forgotten to close it) I woke up one night to someone whispering in my ear .. thought it was my partner he was asleep (but I was asleep and I woke up) my partner thought he turned the fish tank light off and it was back on (I know that's silly he could of not turned it off ) and then last night I felt someone kicking the bed .. again I was woken from sleep also I keep smelling a strong smell of dog (yes I have a dog) ... I wake up panicking, I don't sleep, I'm googling supernatural things, I making my self sick I feel scared and on edge all the time .. I stupidly went to speak to a medium and she told me there was a 70year old man who had two dogs in my house .. this was after I told her all of the above (so obviously she may of made it up, I told her everything and I have no proof she's telling the truth and she wanted me
To book sessions with her) And I'm a mess I can't see the end of this worry, I can't go on like this does anyone else feel like this? I just want to run away but I can't 😢😢😢 can anyone help me?

25-03-17, 18:24
Not real. The end.
Do you know how much money someone would make, if they could prove the existence of ghosts or the supernatural?
Do you think people haven't tried??
And with the advanced technology we have today, do you think they wouldn't have succeeded yet, if ghosts or the supernatural were real?
They aren't real. They don't exist.
I don't know where we go when we die (I suspect nowhere), but we sure don't stay here moaning and rattling chains and scaring the young folk. I do know that.
Quit watching horror movies and letting your imagination run away with you. :D

Best wishes.

25-03-17, 19:36
Glasspinata can I just say thank you sooo much I needed to hear that and your soooo right! Thanks so much for taking the time to reply to me I'm going re read your reply to help me over come this anxiety.

Thank you xxx

25-03-17, 20:51
Basically moved into the house 9 months ago and it's been fine but then little things happened like my sons wardrobe door was open when I thought I closed it (obviously I may of forgotten to close it) I woke up one night to someone whispering in my ear .. thought it was my partner he was asleep (but I was asleep and I woke up) my partner thought he turned the fish tank light off and it was back on (I know that's silly he could of not turned it off ) and then last night I felt someone kicking the bed .. again I was woken from sleep also I keep smelling a strong smell of dog (yes I have a dog) ...

If ghosts actually did exist, why would they only interfere in tiny, little ways that could EASILY be explained as human mistake such as.. you forgot to close your Son's wardrobe. Or something that can be scientifically explained, as your senses are heightened when you're sleepy so you could be mistaking or imagining anything to be a ghost. And you've explained about the fish tank situation.. your partner probably didn't turn it off after all. Another indicator of this being irrational is that you're suspicious of a haunting also because you can smell dog.. even though you have a dog.

I wake up panicking, I don't sleep, I'm googling supernatural things, I making my self sick I feel scared and on edge all the time .. I stupidly went to speak to a medium and she told me there was a 70year old man who had two dogs in my house .. this was after I told her all of the above (so obviously she may of made it up, I told her everything and I have no proof she's telling the truth and she wanted me
To book sessions with her) And I'm a mess I can't see the end of this worry, I can't go on like this does anyone else feel like this? I just want to run away but I can't ������ can anyone help me?

Don't google. It's the same with Health Anxiety, it just makes matters worse and can make you even more paranoid. Divert your attention onto something else whenever you feel the need to google. I once thought I was possessed by a demon and googled, and that was probably the stupidest thing I've ever worried about in my life.

It's also common knowledge that so-called mediums typically relish small details to form a bigger story.

I understand why you're worried, as the thought of being haunted probably frightens 90% of us for obvious reasons, but even if you were being haunted by this 70 year old man, why worry? He's obviously not out to hurt you, and even if he wanted to, he couldn't. Otherwise ghosts would be killing all the time (assuming they even exist). I woke up a few nights ago to the sight of an old man standing by the side of my bed looking like a maniac, but I've accepted this was because I was half asleep at the time and I'm not scared at all of going to sleep because of this- your imagination is a double edged sword.

But that's assuming that ghosts are even real, which they aren't.

Honestly, I recommend obviously seeking therapy if it's interfering with your life this much but what may also help is exposing yourself to these fears.. you could try sleeping downstairs for a night, or taking your partner downstairs in the dark with a flashlight. You'll soon see that there's nothing to worry about, and I promise this fear will have no significance to you as soon as you accept that it's all in your head. :)

25-03-17, 22:07
Toby2000 thank you very much for replying, I really appreciate it. Your so right about everything you've said is spot on. I do think my health anxiety is awful and I can create every symptom so I'm not surprised my brain can make this up (if that makes sense) your right thou why am I worried.. but I think it's because I will be flung everywhere like a bad film. Googled a million percent made me worse I don't know why I thought it would be any different to my health anxiety... therapy defiantly is neede dogs such a long wait so thought I would contact some private places I don't have a lot of money so I hope it's not too expensive. I just get scared for bed time �� Thanks again for replying these replies really help me se sense from fellow anxious people x