View Full Version : Any skipped beat suffers?

25-03-17, 18:48
Im adressing my anxiety with medication and therapy. But I just can't seem to get over these PVCs skipped beats that really scare me. Are they really not that dangerous? I'm currently wearing an event monitor that I should turn in about 10 days so far no one has called me so I'm assuming that's a good thing? Sometimes I'll get a bunch of PVCs in a row, and then my heart will speed up cuz it'll freak me out. Anyone else out there like me? How did you eventually get over your fear? I am constantly feeling every beat every skip beat, etc. I just don't know how to focus my attention outward.

Catherine S
25-03-17, 19:05
Hi, I can see from your thread history that you've been asking about this for some time now and had lots of replies reassuring you, so I think you already know there are lots of 'skipped beat suffrers' on the forum.

Why not read back through the many replies you've had about this or, dare I suggest...read the information given on the forum about palpitations, ectopics, missed beats, skips, flips, flutters etc. Your doctors have told you they're harmless and alot of people here have told you they are harmless. I'm a sufferer of them for over 40 years and i'm also telling you they are harmless...uncomfortable yes, scary definately, but harmless. Beta blockers help with these palpitations extremely well.

ISB ☺ x

25-03-17, 19:16
Its not an easy thing to believe when in a high state of anxiety. Im even scared to exercise because of these dumb things!!

25-03-17, 19:52
Nobody is saying it's easy. But there's really only one choice - continue to live in fear of these harmless, common and perfectly normal sensations, or work on accepting them and challenging that fear.

All that's happening is that your vagus nerve is stimulated through anxiety, and there's adrenaline pumping through your system. These things cause skipped beats and palpitations, even in those without anxiety disorders.

Been happening to me for about a year now. They scared me big time because I knew nothing about them. I couldn't give a damn about them now. Funny how rarely they occur these days since I stopped caring and worrying about them.

25-03-17, 23:40

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

26-03-17, 02:29
Servererror. I love your atitude towards them mate. Wish i had that outlook on them. Can i ask you bud whats the vagus nerve or whatever it is...

Catherine S
26-03-17, 04:13
The vagus nerve is the longest of the cranial nerves and runs from the brain stem down to your abdomen via your heart, esophagus and lungs. It helps to keep the heart rate constant and also helps control food digestion. This is why eating anything that irritates your digestive system can also irritate your heart resulting in benign irregular beats If you're prone to them. Also, if the vagus nerve is compressed as in doing certain types of exercise such as squats etc, this can also affect your heart and lead to the same palpitations. These are harmless although very uncomfortable.

Hope that helps.


26-03-17, 10:34
Thank you so much for yiur reply, started to feel isolated on NMP and ive only been on 1 day. So could this be why when i bend to pick somthing off floor or tie my trainerr..

Catherine S
26-03-17, 11:31

Yes that's more than likely why these erratic beats happen then. They can also happen when we're anxious, fearful or excited about something as emotions good and bad can alter how we breathe, and of course there is a connection between breathing and heart rate. Some people get them when having sex for the same reason. I can get runs of them if i'm cold and shivering, and other people experience them in the heat.


26-03-17, 15:19
I Still believe,

I get them when I'm cold too! haha. My anxiety always ramps up in the winter.


you seem to be in a really bad place with all of this. I can totally understand that. I've been there, I've lingered there and I still go there occasionally. It makes my anxiety and my PVCs so much worse. It's a bad place to be because the mentality is cyclical and you're suffering needlessly. Best thing you can do for yourself, is like the others said, change your perspective about all of it. That takes a ton of strength, if you ask me, but you can totally do it. I still get thrown off by the high palp days and certain runs of PVCs but it doesn't linger and ruin my life. Best of luck to you.

27-03-17, 03:38
I'm in a terrible place with these things Kayla. They throw me over the edge and into a full blown panic attack unless I have a xanax or someone to calm me down. Its horrible .

27-03-17, 12:03
What are your symptoms when you have the skipped beats? Every time I eat a meal I feel breathless and restricted in my throat and the palps are kicking off. I'm terrified even though I've had these symptoms whilst being on a holter and was told they are benign. I'm just so convinced they are going to kill me. I just don't know how much more I can take,

27-03-17, 15:34
Sometimes I feel them in my throat and feel very scares

27-03-17, 21:24
Hiya guys. I feel them in my throught to. I was fine before anxiety i never had palps or owt but not in last 4 years iv developed major anxiety an its all focussed around palps n my heart. Even tho iv been told by 33 ecg's a 24 hour box , bloods and a ecoscan that my hearts structually normal an all my valves are fine I STILL CANT GET MY HEAD AROUND THEM ARRRR!i its horrible & life limiting...

28-03-17, 02:21
Yes, I've had all those tests too, including the 30 day event monitor that I'm wearing !

01-04-17, 10:27
I just got back from overseas and they literally haven't stopped for 24 + hours every third or fourth beat. I've had PACs picked up on a 24hr holter monitor before but they were occasional. I also didn't feel well for pretty much the entire trip, have no appetite today and feel like I need to gasp for air often. I'm convinced I have heart failure of some kind even though an ECG last night looked normal except for the PACs. Has anyone else been through something similar or can tell me whether symptoms of heart failure would be obvious on an ECG and if PACs are even a sign of it?