View Full Version : Worries about the C word...

26-03-17, 03:25
Hi all! I am new here and a sufferer of HA.

I should start by giving some background information:
My main health related anxiety right now is leukiema/lymphoma,they differ between the two. I have been to the doctor 5 times over the past four months and have had three blood tests done (most recent one was two days ago,and doc told me it was normal) I dont want to go into detail about my symtoms except what happened to me today:

I was given Miralax by the doctor two days ago for constipation which also made my back hurt (also thought that was a luekiema/lymphoma symptom) Today,when I went to the bathroom I started getting nausea and cramping all along my back and stomach along with feeling really hot and like I was gonna throw up.It all went away after my bowel movement,good right? My mind doesn't think so, my mind is telling me that I am going to get the flu or the stomach flu—both of which are infections which I do not want because im afraid its going to be the big C word,I've also been getting cramps and feeling weirdness in my knees and such I'm so scared :( I'm sorry if this makes no sense i'm just so stressed out,my appetite is ruined (which I think it from stress but also worries me),constipated frequently,and crying all the time. Just a lot of stress...please help reassure me... :(
Keep in mind I had a blood test which came back normal two days ago!!! :weep:

26-03-17, 04:58
All of those normal test results should help you sleep like a baby. Relax a little, the "c word" isn't something that is easily missed in blood work. I have had bouts of stomach ache that have put me down onto the floor in weakness before. And with anxiety, stomach problems are bound to occur. I bet you relaxing and focusing on something else will help your problems. If you have a hobby, do it. Coloring has helped me in the past.

26-03-17, 15:50
All of those normal test results should help you sleep like a baby. Relax a little, the "c word" isn't something that is easily missed in blood work. I have had bouts of stomach ache that have put me down onto the floor in weakness before. And with anxiety, stomach problems are bound to occur. I bet you relaxing and focusing on something else will help your problems. If you have a hobby, do it. Coloring has helped me in the past.

Thank you :hugs: