View Full Version : Petrified of blood clot in leg

26-03-17, 07:55
I have the worst fear of blood clots. I have been to the ER multiple times this year already due to my fear of blood clots. My only risk factors are that I am on birth control and have had some bed rest lately due to a concussion.
I am having intermittent pain in my right leg, from the calf to the thigh. I went for a walk yesterday that was pretty long, so at first I chocked it up to that until I started to question why my other leg feels fine.
There is no swelling or redness. The leg is a little bit warmer than the other leg. I am so scared that this is a blood clot, but my HA causes me to visit the hospital so often that the doctors recognize me. Also it's nearly 3AM here, and I am mentally and physically exhausted. I just want to sleep, but I am so scared of these shooting pains I'm having. :scared15:

26-03-17, 17:53
Managed to sleep. The pain isn't super bad, but it is still there.

28-03-17, 07:50
How are you doing? I have constant fear of DVT/PE as well. I have right leg (calf, foot, thigh, back of knee) and chest pain on and off for 4 months now. It terrifies me.