View Full Version : Struggles with upping my meds

26-03-17, 08:54
Hi guys!

Hope you're all well. I'm having such a difficult time at the moment. My meds have finally kicked in and I feel awful. I'm on sertaline and i was on 50mg and now my GP as upped it to 100mg as I felt I wasn't coping still with every day life. I've been on the increase dosage around 2 weeks now and I just forgot how awful the side effects can be.

I've started with feeling constantly tired soon as I wake up and head aches that just feel so heavy that paracetamols won't even ease it. The nausea is the worst I can't stand that feeling!

I've ended up off work again this week. I was that bad yesterday I got on the train and just felt totally spaced out and like people were looking at me I couldn't seem to function correctly like the drunk feeling when you're not right sure where you're putting your next step. So scary. I feel my work are pretty understanding but part of the anxiety I do think what if I lose my job? I just want to feel better. I'm so sick and tired physically and emotionally feeling like this. Meds ain't easy. They're amazing when they kick in but the lead up is awful.

I rang nhs 111 for reassurance and a GP rang me back and discussed it with me and said my symptoms were 'normal' side effects people experience on sertaline and he has adviced me to half my tablet so one in the morning then one late afternoon to see if that will help me. Who knows?

I'm just wondering as anyone else has these experiences with these meds? It's so hard to stay positive right now!

Lots of love. Emily x

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20-04-17, 15:20
I too am struggling on my meds and just left a message for my doctor. I upped my dosage and am still struggling. I have increased anxiety, wake up shaking, and can't take it anymore. I'm not sure what to do.