View Full Version : Help - abdominal lump

26-03-17, 11:59
Im new to this forum. I've been suffering from health anxiety for a few months relating to stress at work. First it was my lymph nodes but now I have found a large lump under my ribs on the right side. It kind of moves out when I breathe in and I can push it back under my ribs. Im pretty sure its my liver or kidney but when I saw the gp he said it wasn't relevant as you can't feel it on a normal abdo exam when you're lying (you kind of can if you push very hard) I'm finding it difficult to move on and am feeling it constantly as it feels very large to me and like it almost comes down to my belly button. It's also there if I lie on my left side. I work in health but if anything it makes the anxiety worse. I will likely go back and ask for an ultrasound but has anyone experienced anything like this before?

26-03-17, 12:40
Hi there!
And yes I know what you are talking about I have the same bump too! I think honestly it might be my colon.. (bit of a TMI question but are you constipated?)