View Full Version : Ear Thumping. Very worried.

26-03-17, 13:05
Hi all.

For the past month I have experienced random Thumps in my right ear. These occurred soon after my legs and then both my eyelids started to spasm. The thump generally just happens once, and will occur again soon after, or not occur for hours later. I have felt somewhat ill recently and the rate the thumps are happening have increased.

I had this condition when I was younger, but then it affected both my ears and sounded more like a flutter. This eventually went away with antidepressants. The second time I had this, the thumps were set off from burps and hiccups. This also passed soon after.

Im wondering, is this an anxiety based condition? My eyelids are still twitching, and I assume one of my middle ear muscles must be as well. Any peace of mind or thoughts would be appreciated as I'm very worked up about this and I feel it will never go away.

02-04-17, 12:38
I am getting random ear ths sensation. Wakes me up too. Maddening. I have tmj. I thought that was the cause i dont know. The ent has done nothing but say hopefully it will calm down and can be from tmj. Scary. My family thinks im loosing it. It is so real. Its like a spasm in ear but its the ear so you hear it. Ive been all the web and others talk about it but nothing comes of it. I pray that mean it goes away. Shouldnt the tendon eventually calm down? I cant use anti depressant a few years ago something happened to my optic nerve and they immediately say to watch the eye angles and antidepressants raise pressure. Geez and the benzos are addicting so they would not help long term. So so scary. And drs arent helping me as yet. Its hard to keep running to doctors. I just want the one who knows. Nueroototologist it says online. So there seems to be barely any of these. If you figure this out please help me.