View Full Version : Pins and needles in hand and foot - MS Fear yet again

26-03-17, 14:23
Hello everyone

Got this pins and needles sensation starting in my left hand on thursday afternoon, thought it might be related to a trapped nerve in my neck, as my neck has been rather stiff for the last year or so. Then my feet started to tingle and I started my all so familiar health concerns. Starting off with diabetes I pushed that aside as I don't have any other symptoms related to that, so next on the list, the all powerful and scary Multiple Sclerosis.
On Friday the tingling was in both hands and feet, mostly whenever I was in a sitting position. It's not painful, not really annoying either, it's just there... and it comes and goes every five minutes or so...
When I move around it's barely noticable, or when I workout, go for a run or similar I can't feel the symptoms. No problems at night, and I feel nothing in the morning when I lie in bed, but as soon as I get up it starts playing up again...
Yesterday and today, I only felt the tingling in my right foot and hand, and mostly in my hand. Been worrying myself sick as I've been reading about MS (I know, I'm a "veteran hypochondriac" and I shouldn't be googling, but I just can't help myself). My symptoms, naturally fit exactly with MS (as almost all "nerv-related" symptoms do).

Guess what I'm looking for when I google, is a description that doesn't correlate with my symptoms, like for instance "people with MS symptoms don't get better when they exercise, or go to bed at night.." but I haven't found anything convincing my overly worried mind...

Anybody out there with similar symptoms that later turned out to be "just anxienty"?