View Full Version : repeating my self now but worried.

26-03-17, 20:02
hy all again sorry to bother u first of again...

so I said how for 2 years on and off av been botherd by arm pain fluttering sensation in chest pounding chest fast heart beat. just recently thou when am lying in bed al get a fast sentation which feels like adrenaline threw my whole body for about 1 min but when I move it seems to subside its weird not painfull just very worrying when lying in bed. happens about 2 to 3 times. it also happens during the days. like constant buzzing fluttering sentation in chest very distracting but dosent stop me doing things just weird. this been happing for on and off 2 years. keep waking up sometimes and can feel again but try to ignore and sleep... I do drink a lot of alchol and al be honest my diet is crap and don't do much excersie so could al be linked.. also was wondering about gerd?? could be that. I have always suspsected I have ibs as probz go to toilet about once twice a week for a number 2 and its always runny and used to get stomache pains and all the works

but anyway its seems my worry at the moment is heart and I am scared I have a arrityhmia?? plz reassure me I am not going to succumb to something bad and sudden death. have had tests egcgs bloods and exrays all normal

thanks for your time and yes av asked before but my anexity keeps feeding my brain and just need a bit reassurence

26-03-17, 20:09
Hi male1990 Reassurance (where have I seen that before!) You are young healthy Guy wish I was your age again ;) You will be just fine now concentrate on chilling :) Cheers

26-03-17, 20:39
wish I could mate. this constand buzing fluttering is horrid