View Full Version : Anaphylaxis fear

26-03-17, 22:11
Hey everyone, I'm Sam and I'm 28.

For a while now I've had a fear of anaphylaxis. I worry that I've came into contact with something or ate something that could possibly cause it. It's became a daily thing now...numerous times. I've cut anything nut or spice related from my diet... I don't touch things that in my mind could cause it... the slightest mark on my skin sends me into a panic. If i eat something I slowly but surely start to think my throat is closing and my lips are swelling... as I am currently after having black pepper on pasta 😞 I check my throat for signs of swelling multiple times a day, I work night shift in the hospital, after my shift i feel understandably tired and run down... if my partner isn't home when I get home to sleep I panic until I pass out. I feel like I'm losing my mind...

28-03-17, 08:55
Hi Sam,
You are not alone. I 'm feeling the same way lately. Even foods that I have eaten thousands of times before, now I feel scared of. I invariably look for signs of throat swelling after having a first bite... any throat tickle or cough sends me into a panic. It's so debilitating... It has got so bad that I avoid eating most of the time. Medicines seem to have the same effect to me now: I prefer suffering horrible headaches than taking a tablet, fearing it's going to cause a fatal reaction. I was prescribed Lorazepam to keep my anxiety at bay and I'm not taking it for the same reason.

You are not losing my mind. I'm not losing it either. I'm sure there is a cure, a way to feel better and understand that we are safe. Hope it helps to know you are not alone in this and wish you all the very best.

28-03-17, 19:53
Thanks so much for the reply! It's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one feeling like this, my parents seem to think I've lost my mind all together and I should stop being silly. Its hard to explain how terrifying it is when it actually starts though. I'm the same with things I've eaten millions of times before...ordinary black pepper is no go now. Hopefully this stops before my wedding in May. I can't cope with the thought of eating food that I haven't made myself..