View Full Version : Absolutely terrified of aortic dissection can't stop thinking about it

26-03-17, 22:39
I've had the usual chest pains for yearas with anxieties but since it came back I've been having the pains in my arm neck jaw tummy as well as the chest I obviously read up about aortic dissection and it absolutely terrifies the life out of me I am so so scared have an appointment with my gp tomorrow no doubt he will tell me it's my anxiety but that doesn't stop me worrying it's terrifying I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy

27-03-17, 00:03
I didn't want to not reply as you sound so worried. Its difficult not to panic but anxiety causes all sorts of symptoms & magnifies the slightest thing. It is a nightmare at times. I hope you get on ok tomorrow & hope he can offer support for the anxiety you have too. Best wishes & take care xx