View Full Version : question about medication

26-04-07, 02:08
I just wanted to ask everyone a question... my panic attacks have recently relapsed BIG TIME... I used to take a xanax 0.25 every once in awhile and it was great... now I am taking 2-5 everyday for these horrible panic attacks I am getting in the mornings... yesterday I had one that lasted 3 and a half hours and my fiance actually had to take me to the ER.. the doctor there suggested I get on anti-depressants to help with the anxiety... now I have been on these before, but went off them because we are trying to get pregnant... this was about 6-8 months ago...

now my question is, have any of you been on anti-depressants or medications like xanax while pregnant? I have been told that sometimes the risk of the medication during pregnancy is actually safer then having these horrible panic attacks during pregnancy. I just worry so much, because I could never forgive myself if something happened to my baby all because I had to be on medicine... it just seems so selfish... but I don't know what else to do because these panic attacks are ruining my life. I am trying to get into a psychiatrist, but if any of you have done that you know that you have to wait months and months!... I am currently seeing a therapist, but I am having a difficult time just getting up to get to those appointments... I actually had to cancel it today... I am lost and just don't know what to do anymore... Any suggestions? Advice?

27-04-07, 14:06

Just read your post and can really relate to it.

Im pregnant and am taking Sertraline (Zoloft).

I really didnt want to take anything, but couldnt go on like this anymore.

Ive been to see a Perinatal Psychiatrist and she said the stress and panic is no good for the baby. She said they have to consider whether the risk of my constantly panicking and feeling awful is worse than taking meds.

I think peolpe dont admit or talk about taking meds during pregnancy as others tend to look down on them.

My Doctor did not want me to take anything until I was 12 weeks.

Od course, there are risks with whatever you decide to do, but you have to decide what is right for you and your baby.

Please feel free to pm me.

Best of luck, Liz xx

28-04-07, 06:51
thank you so much for your reply... that's actually the same medication I am hoping to go on... my sister is on it and swears by it... now do you take xanax or anything like that for when you get panic attacks every now and then because I was also worried because I am on xanax.