View Full Version : Really sorry to post again but a bit of advice would be greatly appreciated

26-03-17, 23:34
Firstly I want to know if anybody has had jaw pain arm pain chest pain and tummy pain all going on at the same time the chest for the first time was sharp on one side and briefly tearing in the middle also if anybody has what are your coping strategies it absolutely terrifies me. It to hear of any successful coping mechanisms it will certainly be nice to give some different ones a try thanks for listening


27-03-17, 00:12
A little information I posted in your other thread. No coping mechanisms as such, but still worth bearing in mind.

- Jaw pain: anxious people often clench their jaws, usually without realising. They also grind their teeth in their sleep. As well as that, people with anxiety carry a lot of physical tension and strain anyway, including in joints such as the jaw. Jaw pain is not uncommon with anxiety.

- The stomach is directly linked to the brain via the vagus nerve. Along with the heart, the stomach is incredibly responsive to our moods. Anxiety causes churning stomach sensations and nausea. It can also cause the stomach to hurt. Don't forget that anxiety can worsen acid reflux, indigestion and IBS.

- Arm pain is a very non-specific symptom. It could be unrelated to anxiety at all, but still completely harmless. It could be muscular, either related to anxiety or not. It could be another sign of the tension in your body from anxiety. It could be a consequence of having a nervous system that's on high alert and generating seemingly bizarre sensations. The point is, arm pain is rarely a sign of anything serious.

- You went to A&E and had tests, and they were happy to discharge you. This points strongly to anxiety as being your problem.

27-03-17, 06:50
I've had all of those pains at once. I thought I had some kind of heart disease, but I didn't. I went to a walk in clinic then my GPA then a Cardiologist. They did EMGS, blood work, chest x-rays, echocardiogram, and a 24 hour heart monitor. My Cardiologist loved it easy money lol. I was ok it was anxiety, but that being said do not take chest arm and jaw pain lightly. You have done all of the appropriate steps so calm down. Just hang in there until your doctors appointment and try to calm down. My pains were indigestion and the arm pain was a trapped nerve from being so tense.

27-03-17, 11:32
My pains were indigestion and the arm pain was a trapped nerve from being so tense.
How did you mend the trapped nerve? Physiotherapy?

27-03-17, 13:29
I've had all those symptoms at once. Made me think I was having a heart attack. I did go to the Hospital. They said it was not my heart and they gave me Ativan and at other times xanax. It got bad at one point. I will never forget that day. I had just spent 24 hrs awake because I had taken my kid to the hospital. after being discharged we had to go get the meds she needed. I drop her off and I'm on my way to the pharmacy, when it hits me the nausea with major cramps, arm pain that traveled up my arm and into my chest and up to my neck and jaw. "Classic" heart attack symptoms. The whole time I was with my kid in the hospital I did not drink anything at all. So I thought "I'm dehydrated and my veins will easily clog up I'm having a heart attack" big freaking eye roll I know. The pharmacy I had to go to was across from a hospital. So I bee line it to the hospital... I called my therapist at the time and she said to go right ahead that the symptoms were scary enough to warrant the visit. I get checked and the attending physician (after hours of testing and all the junk) come in and give me a long chat that it's just anxiety and that she had 3 other women going the the same and all had the same symptoms. That I guess helped knowing I wasn't alone. Getting out of that fear and learning to accept these symptoms though took a while. It took me countless time of calming myself down, telling myself that these were not deadly symptoms.

27-03-17, 16:34
Yes my chiropractor have me exercises to do, and eventually it fit better