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27-03-17, 10:48
I had a massive massive HA 'thing' regarding freckles and melanoma this time last year. For some reason I went to look at one on my arm and I'm sure it's grown. I can't be 100% because it's tricky to see. Side and behind (imagine arms are next to my body) it looks like a few others I have but i have a niggle it's bigger.

Make things worse daily mail had a story about skin cancer this morning!

Trying not to worry. My mom has said I've always had it but I think she's saying that because of my worry last year.

27-03-17, 10:59
Schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. I get checked about once a year because I have every type of freckle, mole, angioma known to man. You'll feel better when you get the all clear.

27-03-17, 11:38
They say get any change checked out but it's completely normal for them to grow I have been told. You can also get new ones etc and this is also normal.

I read that daily mail story. Scared me a bit as my biggest fear is Melanoma due to a couple of very dodgy looking moles (that my GP says are fine).

27-03-17, 12:01
I'm more worried about the fact you read the Daily Mail.

27-03-17, 19:05
I have tons of moles and such all over my body. When my HA was really bad 2 years ago I had a huge melanoma panic. I went to a derm and everything was fine. Even though I have some really odd looking moles none looked concerning. I went back twice in the weeks following because I couldn't get the worry out of my head. She told me she normally tells people to do a self check about every month to look for changes, but for me I should not do this since it causes me so much anxiety, haha. I have just started going annually, which is recommended anyway for people with lots of moles, and last year my doctor saw nothing of concern either.

27-03-17, 21:53
Thanks for your comments. Have you had any freckles that grow? How fast would MM grow? If I saw this freckles I wouldn't be too bothered about it; solid brown colour, under 2mm, round edges, symmetrical with slight offish thing but I have loads like this. It's just that 'has it grown niggle .

---------- Post added at 21:18 ---------- Previous post was at 20:22 ----------


---------- Post added at 21:19 ---------- Previous post was at 21:18 ----------


---------- Post added at 21:53 ---------- Previous post was at 21:19 ----------

Could anyone advise on above photo please. I know nodbu is a dermatologist I'm just on edge after reading that shitty article.

27-03-17, 22:50
Moles can definitely grow. If it looks the same as the majority of your other moles (similar color, shape, etc...) I wouldn't worry. I have super weird looking moles, but my doctor said it's not just about what it looks like, but what's your norm. If you're worried about it growing I'd just go to the dermatologist to have a look. They can tell in like 10 seconds what's bad and not.

27-03-17, 23:07
We cannot tell you if it has grown. See your GP

28-03-17, 03:18
For our US members, you can't easily access a dermatologist unless you go private in the UK. The NHS structure means you see your GP and they decide whether they want to refer you. If they don't because they feel a mole is fine, unless they are being very careful in doing a reassurance or ruling out check (which can be a waste of resources), you won't get a referral.

If a GP suspects or wants to rule out cancers, you get in quick. Anything that can wait can take months to see a dermatologist, as it did my mum with various things she's had wrong with her skin.

Reb, see what your mum says. Remember you have looked at old pictures in the past and found they haven't changed or your mum has told you they looked the same as when she bathed you as a child, but your HA mind was saying they had grown?

It is the one the nurse had checked? Is it the same? What does your mum & BF say?

03-04-17, 17:42
I have dry skin on my arms and I just scrapped a dry skin bit off a freckle. it came off very easily and now I'm worried it was a scan and I'm terrified its melanoma.


---------- Post added at 17:14 ---------- Previous post was at 17:13 ----------

I'd asked my boyfriend to look and he said it's a freckle in a freckle (I have several of these) I feel sick with worry.

---------- Post added at 17:42 ---------- Previous post was at 17:14 ----------

it's no helping with all the articles around at the moment! I have new freckles that haven't grown in weeks and fit all the normal criteria but then I panic and look at all my existing freckles and freak they've changed.

12-04-17, 12:00

I burned my neck on my straighteners yesterday and now I'm freaking out because a freckle there looks bigger and I'm not sure it was even there before. Its a light brown mark. I'm so so so scared. I'm on holiday too. I read that neck cancers are the most deadly too.

---------- Post added at 12:00 ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 ----------

My boyhad a look and said the burn is on the freckles itself.

12-04-17, 12:12
Errrrm Neck cancer and a freckle on your neck are two completely different things. Dramatically different. Are you trolling again?
You have a few freckles , like most of us. If any genuinely worry you, you would not be posting on here, you'd be down the doctors like everyone else.

12-04-17, 13:06
I think after all this time you know answer to all this. I see you don't post much on here any more. That's great. Don't fall off the wagon.


24-04-17, 20:23
Another month another story on the DM website. They always trigger me and its not like i go looking for them

03-05-17, 21:40
http://www.online-convert.com/downloadFile/17c9c619-011e-47e3-aab9-6ce8dc0c2086/no-output-id I'm worrying about this freckle I've had for at least ten years, I'm looking at it more and more and unsure if there have been changes. Do most freckles have a lighter border around them? I have another freckle this type in my cleavage.

---------- Post added at 21:40 ---------- Previous post was at 21:39 ----------


03-05-17, 21:48
I think after all this time you know answer to all this. I see you don't post much on here any more. That's great. Don't fall off the wagon.


03-05-17, 23:04
I know and I'm sorry to/for myself. I've been checking photos and I have at least a handful of new freckles over the past few years, is this normal? None that have *touch wood* changed at all but definitely new.

---------- Post added at 23:04 ---------- Previous post was at 22:21 ----------

my boyfriend won't look at my freckles for me and now I'm crying. Freaking out. I seem to have a dot scab on one on my ankle but that may be hair follicle as there is a similar one next to it not on a freckle.

03-05-17, 23:20
After all this time, you realise this is a forum about anxiety, not freckles, right?

We failed you by keeping reassuring you about symptoms before. You seem to be doing something that works as you barely post on here now. This is a set back. Whatever was working, get yourself back to that place.

Catherine S
04-05-17, 00:19
Only a doctor can tell you for sure, we can't diagnose anything and nor can your poor boyfriend. We don't know if it's anything to worry about. Ask either your doctor, dermatologist or even a pharmacist to take a look.


05-05-17, 10:09
Do you have a light border around freckles?

I have one on my arn which is under 6mm, one colour, no obvious changes and ive had it for over ten years. its slightly raised but always has been *but* when i look closely I see a very very light brown border around it - is this normal?

05-05-17, 10:11
Do you have a light border around freckles?

I have one on my arn which is under 6mm, one colour, no obvious changes and ive had it for over ten years. its slightly raised but always has been *but* when i look closely I see a very very light brown border around it - is this normal?

Helen, you do realise no-one's going to talk to you about freckles, right? Come on.

05-05-17, 10:23
I just want confirmation that its normal for freckles to look like that with light borders around obvious prominne t borders

05-05-17, 10:26
I just want confirmation that its normal for freckles to look like that with light borders around obvious prominne t borders

But you know from past and sometimes bitter experience that every fear you get in your head is totally arbitrary (every post is "I have X, reassure me"), and this is a forum of anxiety sufferers, not doctors, so what the hell's the point asking us medical questions?

05-05-17, 10:28
because i assume a good percentage of these forum users have freckles.

05-05-17, 10:36
Don't fall back into old ways. We are not going to reassure you about this. Do whatever you've been doing with your anxiety that has kept you off this forum.

05-05-17, 11:28
Ten years, no changes you can find. What do you think is the answer here?

Do you think if it hasn't changed, if it is bad now then it must have been bad then? Now from what you have learnt through all this do people go 10 years with what you fear without things getting much worse?

And did the nurse & doctor look at them?

All of the above answer your worries. Work on the stress that has started this back up, you have seen how when it reduces so do the worries that lead you to question what is normal on your body.

---------- Post added at 11:28 ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 ----------

I just want confirmation that its normal for freckles to look like that with light borders around obvious prominne t borders

I have various ones. They haven't changed in 4 decades. If I started worrying at 10 years when there was no change, what would you tell me?

05-05-17, 12:30
Thanks for your comment Terry!

My 'worry' is if it's always looked like this with the light border as i have never taken a proper look before, even through my freckle worry last year I wasn't even concerned about it.

05-05-17, 16:55
Thanks for your comment Terry!

My 'worry' is if it's always looked like this with the light border as i have never taken a proper look before, even through my freckle worry last year I wasn't even concerned about it.

It's a "what if" but these work both ways in that "what if" it hasn't changed also applies.

When it comes to things like freckles, you go with what the NHS say. If your freckle fits into their "consult your GP" category then you follow that advice. If it doesn't, it's only your own anxiety that needs to be dealt with.

Think. What evidence do you have? When reading NHS advice do you need to see a GP? If the answer is no based on what they say you check for, you accept the thoughts and cut down on checking, reassurance seeking and Googling or it will suck you further down the rabbit hole.

Remember your other threads. The worry was the same - has their been a change? They came to nothing.

With this worry you could worry they have changed at any point for the rest of your life. You need to get your strategies back in place so you can get your life back on track. And get them straight in when you feel the blips coming.

05-05-17, 17:25
For our US members, you can't easily access a dermatologist unless you go private in the UK. The NHS structure means you see your GP and they decide whether they want to refer you. If they don't because they feel a mole is fine, unless they are being very careful in doing a reassurance or ruling out check (which can be a waste of resources), you won't get a referral.

If a GP suspects or wants to rule out cancers, you get in quick. Anything that can wait can take months to see a dermatologist, as it did my mum with various things she's had wrong with her skin.

Reb, see what your mum says. Remember you have looked at old pictures in the past and found they haven't changed or your mum has told you they looked the same as when she bathed you as a child, but your HA mind was saying they had grown?

It is the one the nurse had checked? Is it the same? What does your mum & BF say?

Welcome to American healthcare. Everything is private.

05-05-17, 17:32
Welcome to American healthcare. Everything is private.

Yep, I wonder just how much it makes HA harder for you guys. Other than simple testing, I expect our GP's stopping them going further.

When we've got doctors questioning how some surgeons in the private sector operate on BDD cases, it makes me wonder how many encourage people to have tests knowing they won't help.

10-05-17, 19:01
sorry me again, do your freckles or can freckles have a lughter border around them? the one i have had forever is a light brown, below 6mm but one of my biggest, i have identical one in my cleavage but cant see to reference. since my anixety on this freckle im checking it often and noticed a light border around it. my mom said its due to pugmenting?

10-05-17, 19:17
haha, i meant pigmenting. Do freckles have lighter borders? I've measured it and its less than quarter inch, its like 1/8th of an inch. I nearly downloaded skin vision app but stopped myself...

10-05-17, 23:21
Sorry Smidgen! Layered up now so i have less access to it.

---------- Post added at 23:21 ---------- Previous post was at 20:15 ----------

I worry my achey leg means its spread to my bone/lymph. FGS

12-05-17, 13:14
Daily Mail with it's articles again..

*eye roll*

---------- Post added at 13:14 ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 ----------

what annoys me about melanoma warnings is that everyyhing single one of my freckles and odd mole are funky shaped. I dont think i have one perfectly rounded one on my body. These freckles have been looked at by doctors and nurses (except one of current concern) so wvry article i let myseld read puts the fear in me. Logically i shouldn't read then right, but my anxiety is hungry and clicks the link. I know the articles are all over because its summer and warmer weather but when it appears alongside my current obsssesion im again scared shitless. I was over my fear during the winter months because there wasn't media frenzy about them.

12-05-17, 13:38
Daily Mail with it's articles again..

*eye roll*

---------- Post added at 13:14 ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 ----------

what annoys me about melanoma warnings is that everyyhing single one of my freckles and odd mole are funky shaped. I dont think i have one perfectly rounded one on my body. These freckles have been looked at by doctors and nurses (except one of current concern) so wvry article i let myseld read puts the fear in me. Logically i shouldn't read then right, but my anxiety is hungry and clicks the link. I know the articles are all over because its summer and warmer weather but when it appears alongside my current obsssesion im again scared shitless. I was over my fear during the winter months because there wasn't media frenzy about them.

Just don't read the Daily Mail, or follow links you see from the Daily Mail. It's horribly triggering for HA sufferers (and I know, not the only culprit...) and hateful, lying rag anyway.

12-05-17, 14:12
I have looked through old photos and this freckle has always been here just the border I'm unsure. It's lighter.

12-05-17, 14:23
I have looked through old photos and this freckle has always been here just the border I'm unsure. It's lighter.

Answer me this question:

Why is constant reassurance of physical symptoms bad for people with health anxiety?

12-05-17, 14:32
because its only temporary.

My anxiety is so bad since that article its affecting my work.

12-05-17, 14:38
because its only temporary.

My anxiety is so bad since that article its affecting my work.

Well yes, that's part of it, but is "because it's only temporary" the best you can come up with after 18 months or so of people giving you advice on here? How much of it do you actually read? I suspect very little.

I would suggest you start researching anxiety with the same vigour you do every other malady in the world.

12-05-17, 14:56
Reb, remember I've mentioned my freckles before? They are unchanged from childhood and none of them are properly bordered and they are faded around the edges & broken.

Nothing has ever come of them.

When you feel drawn to articles like this it is to satisfy the obsession, it's compulsive behaviour. Usually compulsions are aimed at fear reduction but there plenty that just don't work that way. It is essential that you tolerate the building tension you feel that is pushing you to read them. The tension will fade. If anxiety is severe, it probably won't fade much at all but that's not something needed in this discussion.

When you feel it you need to not give in. If this means doing things to distract you mind, that's a way for now to resist it. Long term resistance comes without distraction but sometimes it's easier this way at first.

Make things hard to access. I'm not a believer in parental controls as they are pointless unless someone else sets any passwords. But there are ways to insert physical boundaries. Shove the phone as far away as you can in the house. Bury it under a load of crap in a drawer. Take the long route to the room when you feel the pull. Insert an activity.

Creating a "waiting time" helps but it's something you have to keep doing.

12-05-17, 15:10
Reb, remember I've mentioned my freckles before? They are unchanged from childhood and none of them are properly bordered and they are faded around the edges & broken.

Nothing has ever come of them.

When you feel drawn to articles like this it is to satisfy the obsession, it's compulsive behaviour. Usually compulsions are aimed at fear reduction but there plenty that just don't work that way. It is essential that you tolerate the building tension you feel that is pushing you to read them. The tension will fade. If anxiety is severe, it probably won't fade much at all but that's not something needed in this discussion.

When you feel it you need to not give in. If this means doing things to distract you mind, that's a way for now to resist it. Long term resistance comes without distraction but sometimes it's easier this way at first.

Make things hard to access. I'm not a believer in parental controls as they are pointless unless someone else sets any passwords. But there are ways to insert physical boundaries. Shove the phone as far away as you can in the house. Bury it under a load of crap in a drawer. Take the long route to the room when you feel the pull. Insert an activity.

Creating a "waiting time" helps but it's something you have to keep doing.

There are browser extensions made for productivity that block certain websites (Facebook, YouTube etc). Now it's easy for you to switch them off, but it's enough to make you realise what you're doing and get back to work! Maybe downloading one of these and installing it to block WebMD, NHS Choices, Daily Mail and even this site would be useful.

Also consider - do you really need a smartphone? Could you get by with an old-fashioned text and phoning only one? I say that because I find the hardest thing when I'm spiralling is stopping myself looking at health sites on my phone.

12-05-17, 15:13
I had considered this before.

I thinm my frustrations lie within the ideal description and realising zero of mine are like this but are anyones?

12-05-17, 15:17
I had considered this before.

I thinm my frustrations lie within the ideal description and realising zero of mine are like this but are anyones?


This isn't a forum about freckles. It's a forum about anxiety. And we're talking about anxiety. Which is the problem you do have, unlike every other "problem" you've come on here with.

I don't want to patronise you and obviously it's up to you, but I would really like it if you did a bit of research about reassurance seeking and anxiety, and answered my question above again.

12-05-17, 15:22
There are browser extensions made for productivity that block certain websites (Facebook, YouTube etc). Now it's easy for you to switch them off, but it's enough to make you realise what you're doing and get back to work! Maybe downloading one of these and installing it to block WebMD, NHS Choices, Daily Mail and even this site would be useful.

Also consider - do you really need a smartphone? Could you get by with an old-fashioned text and phoning only one? I say that because I find the hardest thing when I'm spiralling is stopping myself looking at health sites on my phone.

Yes, but with a few keystrokes you can turn them off and this is my issue with them. If you can stop yourself, use them by all means, but you get less waiting time. You can also block the site by putting It into a list I think.

The same can achieved by placing the phone under a book. You know if you're reaching for it because you want to Google...

What my therapist said to me about my obsessive use of things like watches to obsess over time was to create physical boundaries to make it harder to access them. Make them a pain in the backside to get at.

But more than anything it's trying to get through the exposure window.

13-05-17, 13:09
I look at this mole sometimes and think 'it has always looked like this, leave it be' but the more and more I look I worry it's darker, worry it's changed shaped.

---------- Post added at 13:09 ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 ----------

how do i upload a photo on here from my photo gallery?

13-05-17, 13:14
I look at this mole sometimes and think 'it has always looked like this, leave it be' but the more and more I look I worry it's darker, worry it's changed shaped.

---------- Post added at 13:09 ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 ----------

how do i upload a photo on here from my photo gallery?

Please don't upload a picture of your mole. Seriously, stop.

13-05-17, 13:24
its affecting my relationship because I'm asking Dan to check. He gets mad and then asks if I'm trying to start an argument but in my head it's important to get the answer.

13-05-17, 13:32
its affecting my relationship because I'm asking Dan to check. He gets mad and then asks if I'm trying to start an argument but in my head it's important to get the answer.

Well we're all feeling like Dan here a bit.

I will discuss anxiety with you at length if necessary, as much as I'm qualified as a sufferer who has not yet beaten it. But you are not going to get a conversation you want about freckles. [b]This is a forum about anxiety, not freckles[\b]

Catherine S
13-05-17, 13:41
The only person who can give you an answer is your doctor, so start there. You live in the UK which means you've had access to your doctors surgery all of the last week, you could've popped in and asked one of the practice nurses to take a look at least, and we advised you to do this so why are you still asking us to examine your freckles and moles on the forum? We can't know what's normal for your body so photos are useless really. Have a word with someone at your surgery on Monday morning, make an appointment if you can't be seen that morning.


13-05-17, 14:16
because I think 90% of me thinks its perfectly as it was and i don't want a half day off work to go docs but then the tiny unsure part wants to go. Therefore showing phoros can instigate a yes you should go docs or a no thay looks fine.

13-05-17, 14:23
because I think 90% of me thinks its perfectly as it was and i don't want a half day off work to go docs but then the tiny unsure part wants to go. Therefore showing phoros can instigate a yes you should go docs or a no thay looks fine. Well that's a very high percentage in your favour :) The other 10% you can just ditch and laugh about it :) Start thinking more positively about it!!! Ahh Cheers

13-05-17, 14:25

13-05-17, 14:40
Ahh don't think we will get through to Helenhoo we aren't drs go back to your Gp most practices have a late surgery till 8pm at least one day in the week,we aren't medically trained.

13-05-17, 15:19
thanks Bigboy, like i said if someone said woah check it out I'd go but if somone said that's normal.

13-05-17, 15:58
To be honest Helen I'm done here. I should have learnt a long time ago to leave your posts alone, but you're like the white whale of this forum, there's something about your stories that makes people want to be the one that finally gets through and helps you out, but I should know by now it's impossible.

You're not interested in understanding anxiety, and you don't have a concept even of what this forum is actually for, which is hard to believe after all the time you've been here and good advice you've had. We can't help you if you refuse to help yourself, and every word typed to you is sadly a word wasted. Please find your way back to the point you were at when not posting here, start thinking for yourself, and stop ignoring any advice that a pattern of reassurance seeking is going to make you iller and iller and on bad terms with all you persist it with.

13-05-17, 17:55
Personally, I'd get the mole checked.

13-05-17, 17:58
Josh with his trolling again

13-05-17, 18:14
Josh trolling. Just because he said get it checked. Ok

13-05-17, 18:26
Josh often crops up with something to say on my posts.

13-05-17, 19:51
Josh often crops up with something to say on my posts.

I agree with Josh. No one here can help you. Your threads prove that no amount of common sense, logic or rational reasoning, straight forward or made in light with pugs has any effect on your mental state. A trained medical professional needs to determine if in fact your freckles are sinister.

After you get the all clear, going to a trained mental health professional to help with the disease that's effectively taking your life away would be prudent.

Positive thoughts

Gary A
13-05-17, 20:38
Josh often crops up with something to say on my posts.

I'm actually amazed that you acknowledged someone's post.:scared15:

13-05-17, 22:04
Hilarious that Reb of all people is saying I'm trolling.

13-05-17, 22:11
Piss off Josh.

---------- Post added at 22:11 ---------- Previous post was at 22:09 ----------

because im a massive troll right?

13-05-17, 22:11
Pot meet kettle.

13-05-17, 22:16
Aplogises for my language.

13-05-17, 22:29
helenhoo , you are a troll. you just keep deceiving newer members on here who think you are genuine.

you should have been banned from this site a long time ago.

14-05-17, 01:00
Piss off Josh.[COLOR="blue"]

:roflmao: I love it .. we don't get to hear that in the US. Only in Monty Python movies.
