View Full Version : Suffering from Anxiety but no clue as to why?

27-03-17, 12:23
So what is your take on anxiety showing up and presenting itself with symptoms, despite one feeling no stress or anxiety in life in general?
I've been an "official" anxiety sufferer since 2006, and I've been on meds since then (low dose).
A therapist told me that anxiety more or less can lead its own life and show up in life without any warning...
I accept this but have a really hard time believing it.
Like now for instance, I've got tingling in a foot and hand, first both sides, then one side, and then switching over to the other...
I'm really terrified that I've got MS, and I'm having nightmares about it and problems sleeping..
My history suggest that this is another "flare up" of anxiety, but why does it just show up out of nowhere!!?? My life is chugging alone just fine and harmoniously right now :mad:

Catherine S
27-03-17, 12:35
Not all symptoms are because of anxiety, but not all symptoms are life threatening either. Everybody gets random symptoms they can't explain. My guess is your symptoms aren't because of anxiety, but your overreaction to them is.


28-03-17, 13:15
Thanks for your reply.
Wise words, and of course you're right.