View Full Version : I'm not afraid anymore

27-03-17, 12:57

My Dad died yesterday. It feels so strange to type that. 3 months ago my Dad was just like you and me. He was diagnosed with Lung Cancer after having a pain in his rib. He had no cough or other symptoms.

He became very ill very quickly. I was with him for the last 48 hours, and his bravery and dignity was something I will never forget. I don't know how I am ever going to get over losing him, but I know that whatever happens to me, I will cope, and try to make him proud. And even though I am not religious or spiritual, knowing that he is already "there", means there is nothing to fear. Not for me anyway.

It just hurts so much.

thank you to everyone for the support, especially Mark84, who I spoke to a lot , under a different user name.

27-03-17, 13:05
Thank you for sharing and condolences on your father's passing. But perhaps by sharing his story and yours, some of us will be motivated to fear not living today more than we fear dying tomorrow. Again, thanks for sharing and my best wishes to you and your loved ones.

27-03-17, 13:11
I am so sorry for the loss of your dad at the same time so pleased for you that you are no longer afriad.



Catherine S
27-03-17, 13:32
Something as devastating as this can take the focus away from ourselves. I'm so sorry that you lost your dad. I think he would be proud of you today.

Many best wishes
ISB x x

27-03-17, 15:07
Thank you all for your comforting words. I do really appreciate it. I wish you all the very best in overcoming your anxieties, its a hard place to be.


28-03-17, 05:29
Condolences. Grief can cause a physical pain in your heart. The love, care and admiration shines through in your post. The pain will ease over time and you will always have the tender memories. Xxx

28-03-17, 09:44
Big hugs xx