View Full Version : Update on my large tonsil.... and now worried about blood test!

27-03-17, 14:41
I finally saw the doc last week about my large tonsil, she acknowledged that it was massive and two or three times the size of the other which in itself she said is not small.

She said it did look a bit more cratery and lumpy than most tonsils she has seen but it wasn't red or ulcerated which is more of a warning sign of cancer. She felt my neck but said that neither tonsil felt big when felt this way.

She then just started tapping away on her computer and said it probs is just a natural difference but she did comment on my uvula being stuck to the big tonsil on the left, which it almost always is and just said hmmm.

She said an ENT wouldn't be particularly interested to see me given I don't get lots of sore throats or have noticeable difficulties with the tonsil but I'm confused by that as surely one really big tonsil is a worrying symptom in itself.... There are stories of people online having lymphoma with just that symptom.

When I still looked concerned she said to have a blood test, as I have only ever had one blood test in my life around 8 or 9 years ago. I went to go get the blood taken directly after as I'm best keeping momentum going but the nurse said the doc shouldn't have told me to go straight away for blood as she finished in 5mins and was packing up so basically come back another time! I haven't had the blood test yet (I work 9-5 and didn't want to ask straight away for more time off to nip to docs), but
I'm due to go tomorrow morning to get the blood taken and am terrified! Not of the needle (although that doesn't thrill me) but of what they might find! The form the doc gave me says they will do a full blood count and look for elevated c-reactive protein as apparently this shows inflammation in the body and if this was abnormal then perhaps the tonsil might need more looking at as apparently c-reactive protein can be a sign of cancer (as well as a whole bunch of other diseases).

I'm just going to be so terrified something will be wrong with the results.

Plus it was a friend's birthday at the weekend and I drank quite a bit over the weekend when we were out, will this show up? I want the test to come back accurate and not to show inflammation of the liver due to drinking or something! Does alcohol screw up blood tests if it was drunk more than 24hours ago?

27-03-17, 23:37
Sounds like the Dr might be thinking of removing your tonsil. I have one tonsil twice the size of the other and it's the one that always gets sore. It's a hideous looking thing but I've never worried about it.. it's just been that way since I was a kid.

Crp may be elevated if you drank a whole heap I'm not sure there is a whole lot of study on that tho. It's a pretty routine blood test done here (I work in pathology, every blood I take has a crp on there)

07-07-18, 08:14
I am having similar symtoms to what you’re describing—any updates on your tonsil?? Thanks!