View Full Version : Night sweats.

27-03-17, 16:51
I have been having night sweats for 6 months the same time my left back/shoulder/arm pain started. Now my left eye and cheek keep twitching everyday too. I just wish everything would go away for a few days and then i would believe it wasn't anything sinister but it's continuous and new symptoms.

28-03-17, 09:17

Gary A
28-03-17, 10:09
I don't know how many times you want the same question answered, to be frank. :shrug:

28-03-17, 10:59
I am new here, but if you are inquiring about the same symptoms over and over again it may not be beneficial. Almost as if you're using the forum as a substitute for Dr. Google. I try, but sometimes fail, to avoid making symptom inquiries and instead try to talk about what I'm experiencing and or feeling from a perspective that I have anxiety. The people on this board have a lot of experience with that, but only your doctor can really diagnose your symptoms. Good luck.

28-03-17, 11:22

Hi hun

I think you need to see your Dr seeing as the symptoms are continuing and new symptoms are arising, the Dr wont think bad of you, you obviously need this sorting and the current osteopath sessions you have had arent working, but they do take time (I am told), go see the GP :)


28-03-17, 13:12
I am going on friday again. I am now concerned about the left side twitching and cheek because i have read it can be caused by an abnormality pressing on a nerve or blood vessel.

28-03-17, 14:22
I am going on friday again. I am now concerned about the left side twitching and cheek because i have read it can be caused by an abnormality pressing on a nerve or blood vessel.

It is good you going back, this could just be a trapped nerve somewhere. I am going for a Spirometry & Reliability breathing test in April to find out why I am coughing and having these breathing issues lately...