View Full Version : A BIT OF FUN..... do you have the gift ?

26-04-07, 08:08
I know Skylight has some sort of special gift , a spiritual gift of phychic awareness.
Now do you belive in this or not ?

I believe in it, always have done and also believe I have some sort of gift, although its very weak.

I love anything like this and hope sky will join in.
What experiances have you had ?

26-04-07, 10:49
I know I am a very intuiative person and I have keen senses about things and a great many interests from alternative therapies including crystals and also a liking for gentle and positive oracle cards etc.

But .................. I am also very much a feet on the ground down to earth person, so while I have an open mind to allsorts of beliefs I personally prefer to deal with the here and now and don't feel totally comfortable with going too far off the track.

Love Piglet :flowers:

26-04-07, 11:18
Piglet , my dreams reveal things to me, I wake up and say things to my husband, like sarahs pregnant or someones sad.......and it seems to be true most of the time.

I like to keep my feet on the ground most of the time but now and then when something happens, it makes me wonder is it just luck or something else ?

26-04-07, 12:29
Hi mirry

Well I have lots of beleifs, I love angels and do lots of tapes working with them, I also collect them and have them all over the place, they make me feel safe. I even decorated my 4 year old grandaughters room in an angel theme, she loves it and says she feels safe at nannies as the angels look after her SWEET.

lUV Barb xxx

26-04-07, 12:42
Well i was a wee bit sceptical at one point ,even tho i am intuative[common theme it seems with us lot here??]But i have seen orbs in my living room..now it was no trick of light ,i tested it from every angle and they moved from point to point the same way over and over again!!So,i do believe there is something beyond 'us' trying to communicate with us..It scares me tho:shrug: so i push down the intuative side,i am not ready:wacko: Certain buildings i have to walk out of ,i get such a stange sensation..maybe one day i will go with the flow ,but for now ..i just trust in my angels and fairies:) :flowers: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxx

Granny Primark
26-04-07, 12:53
I used to work in nursing homes doing the nightshift.
They reckon every nursing home has got their own ghosts. One night one of the male carers reported seeing a woman he didnt recognise coming out of one of the unoccupied bedrooms and going into the bathroom. He followed the lady into the bathroom and she disappeared in front of his eyes.
He reported his siting to the nurse in charge who just laughed and said the old lady was a mrs devine who used to be a patient there and had died a couple of years previous.
However she said the the old lady was only visible to a very few and that he must have some kind of physic powers.
I was really pleased I had hadnt got those powers else id have been out of that building within seconds.

Take care

26-04-07, 12:54
maybe one day i will go with the flow ,but for now ..i just trust in my angels and fairies:) :flowers: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxx

Totally agree Paddie - just how I feel too.

You know I could also relate about the buildings or places - over the years of travelling about I have often felt familiar in a place I'm told I've never been to before. That good old de ja vou feeling (sp)!!

I do get it in historical buildings too but I think that's very common as it's very easy to feel a sense of history in such places isn't it.

I guess alot of the time my practical mind quarrels with my spiritual mind - the door is ajar but the safety chains on!!:D

Piglet :flowers:

26-04-07, 14:41
i have sooooo many stories to tell on this subject but im a bit busy at the mo... but if you like reading and are interested in this subject you should read "the boy who saw true"... its a great read but due to the fact its a diary it ends quite suddenly which is i bit disappointing...

26-04-07, 14:52
What an interesting post, a gift, well i am a twin and my sister and i do "feel"" what each other are doing, thinking, etc. dose that count? By the way are there any other TWINS on this site it would be interesting to hear your thoughts on this. I also have that "feeling"of things happening before they do, like the phone is going to ring, the door bell will ring, that would come under another tread i guess.

26-04-07, 15:08
Unfortunately, I feel my experience of 'physic' ability brought me to this site in the first place.

A new woman moved into the area and we were briefly introduced. A day or two later she knocked my door and, knowing she was a bit isolated, I invited her in for coffee. She promptly told me that she had felt compelled to come and warn me of an impending stroke or heart attack. As you can imagine, for someone who has always been overly anxious, this served to exacerbate any health anxieties I had until they went through the roof and I ended up at A&E with the mother of all panic attacks!

She still lives nearby and, because of mutual friends, I often find I am in her company. She still warns me of things to come and has even said she knows my house is haunted (something I have been told before).

I have thought of moving but I love my house and other friends and other neighbours. She has a spooky look about her, very dark, almost black eyes and she has in fact died twice due to a brain heamorrage (sp). A friend of mine suggested because she had been 'over to the dark side' she is an instrument of the devil. This, as you can imagine, frightens me even more.

So, there you have it, the story of what brought me here in the first place, all down to someone who is convinced she has pyschic ability!!! My husband tells me to ignore her but there's a niggling doubt in the back of my mind that her tales of death, doom and pestulance will come true.


26-04-07, 16:42
You see Kay that sort of thing is exactly what keeps my metorphorical (sp) chain on the door.

It's that type of thoughtless negative scaremongering that gives any type of spiritualism or clairvoyancy a really bad name.

A true clairvoyant does not resort to scare tactics and has a sensitivity to human nature and no desire whatsoever to instill fear in people. They are meant to use their gift in a positive way, not a negative one!!!!:mad:

If your house has any vibes at all then they are good ones because you are happy there.

I feel really cross on your behalf and had a similiar experience when I was only 16 with a so called fortune teller and now will not participate in these things.

Again I remain open to allsorts of things and indeed have a great interest in all the positives that can be drawn - like the others I love fairies and angels and all aspects that can bring out the sunny side in us all.

At the end of the day though basic common sense must prevail!!!:yesyes:

Please don't let this bother you anymore than it already has done mate.

All the best!

Love Piglet :flowers:

26-04-07, 16:46
I tend to go with my instinct and remain open. If it brings peacefulness and calmness and my heart tells me its right - then I will go with the flow.

Each and every one of us are special and have our own unique gifts - if it works for you then go with it.

Take care and cherish the special moments

Luv Darkangel x